Latest Articles about Military/Security

Wartime Approaching in the Caucasus
It is early springtime and in the mountain passes separating Georgia from Russia, there is snowfall one day and wet snow or rain the next. Avalanches and mudslides caused by wet snow regularly close down the only road connecting Russia and the breakaway region of... MORE

NATO Resumes Full-Fledged Relations with Russia After Nine-Month Suspension
The ministers of foreign affairs of NATO's 26 countries held an informal meeting on March 5 in Brussels, following the defense ministers' meeting in Cracow on February 19 and 20 (see EDM, February 23, 24). Both preparatory to NATO's April 3 and 4 summit. The... MORE

Nazarbayev Embarks on Foreign Intelligence Reform
On February 17 Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev issued a decree ordering the government to set up the Syrbar foreign intelligence agency. The presidential press service told journalists that Syrbar would be directly subordinate to the president. By the same decree, the Barlau foreign intelligence service... MORE

Russia Presses Military Modernization, Despite Financial Crisis
On March 4 Russian Deputy Defense Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs Lyubov Kudelina outlined defense spending plans in light of the global financial crisis, expressing confidence that although there would be some cuts in the overall budget of the Ministry of Defense (MoD), this... MORE

The Future of Chinese Deterrence Strategy
The development of China’s nuclear and conventional missile power has been among the most impressive and most closely watched aspects of Chinese military modernization over the past two decades. During the past 20 years, the Second Artillery Corps (SAC) has been transformed from a small... MORE

China’s Views on NATO Expansion: A Secondary National Interest
The eastward expansion of membership and enlargement of missions undertaken by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) over the past decade push a lot of sensitive buttons in China’s national security policy. These sensitivities include long-standing opposition to the enlargement of military blocs and strengthening... MORE

Kant Air Base and Russia’s Strategic Planning in Central Asia
Russia is currently actively promoting deeper defense and security ties with the Kyrgyz Republic. Following the announced activation of the CSTO Rapid Reaction Forces, established in Moscow on February 3, and the Russian-inspired eviction of the U.S. military from Manas Air Base, Russia's military interests... MORE

Uncertainty Continues to Surround Future of U.S. Air Base
The Kyrgyz government announced that August 18, 2009, would be the final day for the U.S. base's functioning at Manas Airport (, February 24). Despite intense criticism from the international community, the Kyrgyz leadership seems is determined to shut down the base as soon as... MORE

Undeterred by Financial Crisis, Turkish Defense Companies Plan to Increase Domestic Arms Production
It is estimated that Turkey has been spending about $5 billion for arms per year and according to a report released by the country's main arms procurement agency, has set a goal to increase the share of the arms produced domestically to 58 percent of... MORE

Tensions Increase in the Gulf over Iranian Nuclear Projects
This week Sergei Kiriyenko, the chief of Russia's Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom), went to the Persian Gulf port of Bushehr to announce that Russia had completed construction of Iran's first light-water, industrial, 1,000-megawatt nuclear power reactor. Kiriyenko told journalists that "The construction stage of... MORE