Latest China Brief Articles

Featured Review: Re-evaluating Chiang Kai-shek

Now at last we have a good biography of Chiang Kai-shek, one of the most important figures in modern China, but also one of the least understood and most regularly caricatured. Chiang unified his country with the Northern Expedition of 1925-29 and presided over the... MORE

The Future of U.S.-Taiwan Defense Cooperation

For 30 years now, ever since the United States severed formal diplomatic relations with the Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan and recognized the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the U.S. has continued defense cooperation with Taiwan to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan... MORE

Beijing’s Diplomatic Offensive: “Marathon Autumn Diplomacy”

After the extravaganza marking the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership has unleashed what the domestic media heralds as “marathon autumn diplomacy” (malasong qiuji waijiao). Premier Wen Jiabao visited North Korea and Vice-President Xi Jinping is... MORE

Is Renminbi becoming Asia’s Currency and Decoupling from the West?

Since December 2008, China has signed $95 billion (650 billion RMB) in currency-swap agreements with Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Argentina and Belarus, in order to promote greater circulation and convertibility of the renminbi (RMB). Thailand is reportedly studying a possible currency swap agreement... MORE

Jiang Zemin Casts Long Shadow over National Day Parade

While the extravaganza that marked the 60th birthday of the People's Republic of China (PRC) seems to have convinced the world of the economic and technological prowess of the fast-emerging quasi-superpower; fissures and institutional malaise within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have also been laid... MORE

War Talk: Perceptual Gaps in “Chindia” Relations

Until 2005, Chinese public perceptions of India were generally benign, even bordering on benign neglect. Yet, a radical change in Chinese public attitudes toward India has noticeably taken place since then and it can be attributed in part to an increasing number of Chinese strategic... MORE

Obama’s China Trip: Forging Middle Class Ties

Last April, in a press conference capping his first one hundred days in office, President Obama remarked that the "'ship of state' is an ocean liner, not a speedboat," and that even a small shift in direction could have far-reaching consequences even a decade or... MORE