Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Gul Hosts Karzai and Zardari for a Trilateral Summit in Istanbul

Turkey is hosting another major international gathering, marking its growing profile in regional and international diplomacy. Turkish President Abdullah Gul has brought together Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in a trilateral meeting being held in Istanbul on December 5 (,... MORE

Kazakhstan Offers Military Airfield to NATO Forces in Afghanistan

Recently, members of the Kazakhstan Senate ratified two agreements allowing U.S. and NATO coalition forces to use Almaty airport as an emergency airfield for fighter planes flying on missions to Afghanistan. The news hardly produced any comments from government headquarters, but what leaked through the... MORE

Ukraine Beefs Up Its Military Defenses with an Eye on Russia

Since the Russian invasion of Georgia in August, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has stressed the need to review defense priorities, with reference to the budgetary allocations to the military (The Times, August 23). The president warned that he would refuse to sign the state budget... MORE

NATO ANPs Instead of MAPs for Ukraine and Georgia

NATO has pushed aside the Membership Action Plans (MAPs) as mechanisms for Ukraine’s and Georgia’s eventual accession to the alliance. On December 3 in Brussels, the North Atlantic Council (NAC) meeting at the level of ministers of foreign affairs decided to develop Annual National Programs... MORE

Kyrgyz Opposition Presents Its Program to the President, Sets Conditions

On December 3 a Kyrgyz opposition group comprised of leading political parties and organizations presented President Kurmanbek Bakiyev with its suggestions for changes necessary in the country’s political and economic systems. In particular, the group submitted a document adopted at a major meeting on November... MORE

President Abdullah Gul Takes an Active Role in Easing Kurdish Unrest

During his visits to different cities in the Kurdish region in early November, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan encountered forceful street protests encouraged by the Democratic Society Party (DTP). Erdogan created deep concern during these visits with his ultranationalist statements. He went so far as to... MORE

OSCE Avoids the Hard Issues at Year-End Conference

In common with all OSCE chairmanships since 2003 (when Russian veto power mauled the organization irreparably during the Dutch chairmanship), Finland set itself a minimal task in 2008: to ensure institutional survival by deferring to Russia in Europe’s East and hosting a “successful” year-end conference,... MORE

Russia Further Curtails Media and Religious Freedom

President Dmitry Medvedev has been vocally promoting legal reform and the idea of press freedom in Russia. This week at an All-Russian Congress of Judges in Moscow, Medvedev once again spoke about the need to strengthen the Russian legal system, make it more transparent to... MORE

Can Turkey’s AKP Survive the Upcoming Local Elections?

Turkish politics is entering a new era of contestation and heightened debate with the approach of the March 2009 municipal elections. The influence of partisan politics in local elections is usually moderate, but Turkish experts generally believe that municipal elections have been shaped by trends... MORE

Ukraine Recognizes Gas Debt, May Face Higher Price

Gazprom has threatened to more than double the gas price in 2009 if Ukraine fails to pay its debt for previous purchases by January 1. Ukraine’s energy inefficient industry might not survive such an increase amid the global economic crisis. Moreover, RosUkrEnergo may be retained... MORE