Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Moscow Preparing for ‘Asymmetrical’ Arms Race
United States President Donald Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress this week (February 28) did not mention the true elephant in the room—his administration’s plans regarding future US relations with Russia. He also said nothing about the possible pre-election and post-election contacts members... MORE

Ukraine’s Legal Cases Against Russia in International Courts
Ukraine has just concluded its month-long role as rotating president of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) during February 2017. Kyiv has specifically pledged to use this high-level international forum to confront Moscow for its aggression and to seek reimbursement for the damages Ukraine has... MORE

Rustavi 2 TV Channel Fights for Its Survival as Supreme Court Decision Approaches
Some 78,000 Georgians, led by several opposition political parties and civic activists, marched in the streets of downtown Tbilisi, on February 19, to protest against the alleged government attempt to take over the Rustavi 2 TV station (Channel 1 TV, February 19). Rustavi 2 has... MORE

Russia’s Sarmat ICBM Faces Development Problems
The Russian budget for 2017–2019, which the State Duma (lower chamber of parliament) adopted last December, predicts that federal budget revenues will continue to decline in the next three years and will drop to 15 percent of GDP by 2019. This would be the lowest... MORE

Railway Blockade Wreaks Havoc on Economy of Ukraine’s Donbas
In late January, groups of self-identified veterans and several controversial Ukrainian people’s deputies began blocking railways linking the territory of Donbas (provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk) controlled by Moscow-backed militants to areas controlled by the central government. They say that it is wrong to trade... MORE

Central Asian Countries Erecting New Cities to Cope With Population Explosion
Even though fertility rates have fallen in Central Asia over the last two decades, the earlier rise in the number of births means that the populations of these countries continue to grow far more rapidly than anywhere else in the former Soviet space. Tajikistan is... MORE

What Do the Protests in Belarus Mean?
A series of protests in Minsk and regional cities in recent weeks made headlines both inside Belarus and abroad (see EDM, February 21). The fact that they gathered the largest number of protesters in almost seven years sparked active discussions among commentators and on social... MORE

Belarus: Time of Trouble Lingers
Belarus’s standoff with Russia over natural gas prices and the corresponding arrears continues. And so does Russia’s ensuing punishment of Belarus by way of cutting back on duty-free oil. Meanwhile, there is also no end in sight yet to the public rallies against the presidential... MORE

The Russian Army Suffers Deficit in Officers
A special session of top officials in charge of personnel matters within the Russian Armed Forces took place in Moscow, on February 2. As is traditional for such conclaves, the attendant generals reported to each other about their respective successes over the past year. These... MORE

Russia Struggles to Come to Terms With Its Past
Late February not only marks a momentous anniversary in Russia’s long and difficult history, but also solemnizes a tragic event from its much more recent past. One hundred years ago (March 8, 1917, but February 23 on the Julian Calendar, still used by the Russian... MORE