Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Russia Blocks Consensus At OSCE’s Year-End Conference
On December 6-7 in Vilnius, the OSCE’s year-end ministerial conference dramatized this organization’s vulnerability to sabotage by the Kremlin. That vulnerability is inherent in the OSCE’s own structure and modus operandi, which enable Russia to exercise discretionary veto powers under this organization’s consensus rules.Lithuania, holder... MORE

Kyrgyz Parliament to Form New Coalition
Following the recent presidential election, Kyrgyzstan’s parliament is set to form a new ruling coalition. This will be yet another test as to whether the country’s political forces can find a balance between the competing interests among the five political parties represented in the parliament.... MORE

Ukraine and Georgia Approach Justice In Eurasian and European Ways
Corruption and corporate raiding are growing at an alarming rate in Ukraine since Viktor Yanukovych came to power. The country dropped 18 places this year in Transparency International’s annual rankings, now standing below Russia and Azerbaijan (both 143) and in 152nd place alongside Congo, the... MORE

What Russian Statistics On Militant Attacks In the North Caucasus Reveal
It is common practice to summarize the year’s events at its conclusion. Following this tradition, we can consider the figures concerning the situation in the North Caucasus, which is not improving, as the federal authorities in the Russian Federation would like to present it. The... MORE

No Let-up In Insurgency Related Violence In Dagestan
Dagestan’s Interior Ministry reported today (December 9) that a cache of weapons was discovered in Karabudakhentsky district on the Caspian Sea coast. According to the ministry, police found a bag containing four F-1 hand grenades, five RGD-5 grenades, an RPG-18 grenade launcher, a GP-25 under-barrel... MORE

Parliamentary Election In Kazakhstan: Who Will Come In Second?
A total of eight political parties have registered for the upcoming parliamentary election in Kazakhstan on January 15, yet the outcome is already fairly clear. President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s party, Nur Otan, currently the only political party represented in parliament, is expected to win by a... MORE

Authorities Move Troops and Hire Thugs to Suppress Pro-democracy Activists In Moscow
The ruling United Russia (UR) lost votes in the December 4 Duma elections compared to the landslide in the previous national poll in December 2007, but official results still gave it a majority. After counting over 99.9 percent of the votes, the Central Election Commission... MORE

As Elections in South Ossetia Go Awry, Moscow’s Credibility Is Undermined
On November 27, at the second round of “presidential elections” in the Georgian breakaway territory of South Ossetia, the Kremlin candidate – minister for extreme situations, Anatoly Bibilov – suffered a crushing defeat to the opposition leader, Alla Jioeva. Bibilov scored 40 percent and Jioeva... MORE

A Reality Check On US-Turkish Relations
US Vice President, Joe Biden, paid a working visit to Turkey, which provided an opportunity for a reality check of the current condition of US-Turkish bilateral relations. In addition to meeting with Turkish leaders, Biden attended the Global Entrepreneurship summit, which was developed as a... MORE

Tajik Security Agencies Face Allegations of Detainee Abuse and Extrajudicial Killings
A number of events in 2011 reinforce allegations of systemic abuse and torture and even the occurrence of possible extrajudicial killings in detention by law enforcement agencies in Tajikistan. On October 20, police in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe, took a badly injured Bahromiddin Shodiyev, 28,... MORE