Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

The Situation Inside the North Caucasus Rebel Leadership Remains Unclear
This past week brought little clarity as to whether Doku Umarov in fact resigned or not from his position as the leader of the North Caucasus rebels. It still remains unclear who suggested to Umarov that he cancel the announcement he himself had made earlier... MORE

Russia Calls for Arms Embargo on Georgia After War’s Second Anniversary
Marking the second anniversary of Russia’s “coercion-to-peace” operation in Georgia, the Russian Chief of the General Staff, Army-General Nikolai Makarov, told the media: “Arms deliveries to Georgia are in full swing. Georgia’s military potential is significantly higher today, compared to August 2008.” Makarov added reproachfully... MORE

Russian Military Power Advancing in the Black Sea-South Caucasus Region
Russia’s deployment of long-range S-300 air defenses in Abkhazia is a sui-generis way to mark the second anniversary, not only of the invasion of Georgia, but also of the armistice agreement that committed Russia to withdrawing its forces. The deployment creates an interdiction capability potentially... MORE

Turkish Civilian-Military Relations Overhauled
The recent Supreme Military Council (YAS) meeting served as an additional showdown between the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the country’s military leadership. When the four-day long YAS meeting ended on August 4, it failed to fill key posts, raising questions about the future... MORE

Ukraine Returns Disputed Gas to RosUkrEnergo
There are indications that the Ukrainian government has agreed to return RosUkrEnergo (RUE) the disputed gas, which the Stockholm court ruled belongs to RUE. According to the ruling, Ukraine has to either accept by September 1, or appeal by September 8. The government apparently chose... MORE

Colleagues of Murdered Rights Activists Mark Anniversary of Death
On August 10, members of NGO’s, rights activists, journalists and friends of Zarema Sadullaeva and Alik Dzhabrailov gathered for a small ceremony of remembrance in Grozny. Unidentified law enforcement members led Sadullaeva and Dzhabrailov out of their office in Grozny on August 10, 2009. The... MORE

Russian Air Force Chief Confirms S-300 Deployment in Abkhazia
The choking smog and smoke from wildfires left Moscow on August 10, but may return at the weekend, as weather forecasters predict a change in the wind direction from the east, where the fires continue to burn. The heat wave that has engulfed most of... MORE

Muhammad Amin: Imam Shamil’s Naib to the Circassians (Part Two)
With the hope of Ottoman assistance, the North Caucasus mountaineers’ freedom from the claws of Russian colonialism seemed closer than ever. After a long wait, Muhammad Amin's wishes finally came true. The local holy war took on an imperial character. On 9 October 1853, five... MORE

Armenian Economy Recovers Faster Than Expected
Armenia’s economy is emerging from its first major downturn since the early 1990’s faster than expected, helped by similar recovery globally. Official statistics show that it expanded by 6.7 percent in the first half of this year and surpassed even the most optimistic government expectations.... MORE

Opposition to OSCE Police Forces Grows in Kyrgyzstan
More Kyrgyz political activists are speaking out against the prospective deployment of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) 52-member Police Advisory Group. Infringement of the country’s sovereignty, limited capacity to improve the situation in southern Kyrgyzstan, and the potential for increased instability... MORE