Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

The Implications of Bin Laden’s Death for America

The United States has made good on its promise to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice through brilliant intelligence work capped by a precise military operation.  Only al-Qaeda or its sympathizers would disagree with the account so far, but at this point the world of... MORE

Will al-Qaeda Survive the Loss of its Leadership?

Originally published: Terrorism Monitor Volume 8, Issue 24 (June 17, 2010)With rumors emerging once again of the death of Osama bin Laden, it seems like an appropriate time to examine the future of al-Qaeda in the event of the elimination of Bin Laden and his... MORE

The Internal Crisis of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Since the beginning of the Egyptian Revolution on January 25, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has tried to project an image of unity in its forces, actions and demands. The Brotherhood has been in the forefront of those who insisted on putting the former President... MORE

Pakistani Taliban Continue Their Campaign against Sufi Shrines

In troubled Pakistan, sacred spaces such as Sufi shrines have increasingly been the target of bloody attacks by Taliban and al-Qaeda militants. The Taliban-Deobandi school of Islam perceives Sufi practices such as devotional whirling dances, the veneration of Sufi saints and other rituals as being... MORE