Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Brief: Belgium Grapples with Lasting Impact of Islamic State Attacks

On May 6, Belgium’s prosecutor’s office announced that it arrested seven Islamic State (IS) supporters, including at least four from Chechnya, who were plotting attacks in the country (, May 6). The counter-terrorism operation is notable because IS has otherwise been largely absent from the... MORE

Gold, Arms, and Islam: Understanding the Conflict in Sudan

Sudan ended over a quarter-century of Islamist-military rule with the 2019 overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir, whose rule was based on Islamism, Arab supremacy, and the ruthless application of military power. A joint civilian-military government was formed to lead the transition to a civilian-led democracy.... MORE

Can Somalia’s New President Finally Stop al-Shabaab?

Al-Qaeda’s Somalia-based affiliate, al-Shabaab, has suffered major setbacks in its battle against the internationally backed Somali government since 2007, when African Union troops entered the war-torn country. The militant group has lost key towns and territory, including the capital, Mogadishu, and the port city of... MORE