Latest Articles about South Sudan

Beyond Syria and Ukraine: Wagner PMC Expands Its Operations to Africa
The terrible defeat suffered by forces of the Wagner Group private military company (PMC) at Deir el-Zour (Syria), in early February 2018 (see EDM, February 15, 20, April 19, 23), did not lead to the demise of this increasingly famous Russian PMC. On the contrary,... MORE
The Unlikely Rebel: A Profile of Darfur’s Zaghawa Rebel Leader Minni Minawi
The career of Sulayman Arcua Minawi (better known as “Minni Minawi”) is the story of how a primary school teacher in a remote corner of northern Africa parlayed an ability to read and write and a previously hidden penchant for ruthlessness into his appointment in... MORE

An American-Educated Warlord in Equatoria: A Profile of South Sudan’s General Martin Terensio Kenyi
According to a confidential UN report, six million people, half the population of South Sudan, are in need of humanitarian assistance less than six years after the nation gained its independence as a result of militia warfare spinning out of control (AFP, February 15). Power... MORE

China’s Contribution to Peacekeeping Operations: Understanding the Numbers
China’s participation in UN Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) has received considerable media attention for the past several years as Beijing’s international profile has expanded. To be sure, of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC), China contributes the largest number of military and... MORE

‘A Doctorate in Fighting’: A Profile of Shilluk Militia Leader General Johnson Ulony Thubo
South Sudan achieved independence in July 2011, but the era of peace most citizens had hoped the event would initiate remains elusive, thanks in large part to the ravages imposed by both a tribally oriented government and a slew of warlords with outsized personal ambitions.... MORE