Latest Articles about China and the Asia-Pacific

Beijing Encroaching on Moscow’s Military Dominance in Tajikistan

China has unexpectedly begun taking steps to become more militarily active in the small Central Asian republic of Tajikistan. Moreover, it is pushing for closer joint military and security cooperation with Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. These moves could position China as a potential regional counterweight... MORE

The Cultural Revolution at 50

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the official start of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Though for many of China’s youth it is a little-remembered period or a vaguely described part of history books, the political turmoil of the time has continued to have... MORE

Manila’s Pivot Toward Beijing

In mid-October, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte visited China. His visit was marked by a recalibration in Philippine policy toward China and the announcement of economic and military “separation” from the United States. The reversal in relations is striking. Under the previous Aquino administration, the Philippines... MORE


MYANMAR: GROWING FEARS OVER ROHINGYA FIGHTERS Gunmen killed nine police officers in a series of raids on border posts in Myanmar’s Rakhine state on October 9, an area where tensions run high between Myanmar’s Buddhists and its Muslim Rohingya population. The raids have prompted violent... MORE

Taiwan-Japan Ties Deepen Amid Chinese Assertiveness

If there is one issue leaders in Taipei and Tokyo can find common ground on, it is China’s destabilizing and assertive behavior. Beyond the impact of Chinese actions within the region, both Taiwan and Japan also share an economic dependency upon the mainland Chinese market.... MORE