Latest Articles about Central Europe

Assessing Czech and Slovak Dependence on Russian Gas

On May 31, Denmark’s largest energy company, Ørsted, and the Netherlands’ state-owned GasTerra became the latest victims of Russian natural gas supply termination for refusing to pay for this resource in Russian rubles, as demanded by President Vladimir Putin. In prior weeks, Moscow halted gas... MORE

The South Caucasus and Central Asia: Diversifying the EU Gas Market

In early April, high-level Italian and French delegations traveled separately to Azerbaijan to discuss cooperation in the energy sector, including natural gas exports and “green” electricity generated from Caspian-basin wind (, April 2, 8). The twin visits occurred against the background of mounting anxieties about... MORE

Baltic States Bet on New LNG Regasification Capacities

On April 19, the Latvian Economy Minister Jānis Vitenbergs announced his government’s decision to support entirely abandoning natural gas supplies from Russia by the end of 2022 (, April 19). The strategy in that regard relies on expanding liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification capacity across... MORE

Moscow Mulling Wholesale Border Changes in Central Eastern Europe

The most compelling reason why the international community is opposed to any border change is the capacity of changes in one border to spark consideration of changes in others, creating or at least exacerbating problems in the relations between existing countries. Until Russian President Vladimir... MORE