Latest Articles about Europe's East

Ethnically Non-Russian Formations in Russia’s War on Ukraine: The Volga Region
Executive Summary: Moscow looks to the Volga region—an ethnically non-Russian region and one of the poorest in Russia—for “volunteers” to fight in the war against Ukraine. Many of these “volunteer” battalions have experienced heavy losses along the frontlines, which the Russian government attempts to cover... MORE

NATO’s New Energy Makes Russia Anxious and Angry
Executive Summary As NATO takes steps to increase its solidarity, Russian propagandists have responded by exaggerating Western disunity. Kremlin propaganda portrays NATO’s strengthening European pillar as evidence of weakening US leadership. A more concerted focus on Western disunity has become a way for Russia to... MORE

Ethnically Non-Russian Formations in Russia’s War on Ukraine: Bashkortostan
Executive Summary: Russia is expanding the number of “volunteer battalions” from non-ethnically Russian regions, especially Bashkortostan. Most battalions are named after Soviet or post-Soviet heroes—likely to prevent inflaming local patriotic (nationalist), anti-Russian, or anti-colonial sentiments in Bashkortostan. Moscow, in legitimizing these formations, is trying to... MORE

The Future of the Eurasian Economic Union
Executive Summary: The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has attempted to increase its influence by creating a permanent free-trade zone with Iran, entering talks with India on a free-trade agreement, and encouraging Uzbekistan to become a member. The EAEU has served as a way for Moscow... MORE

Belarusian Economy Sees Growth Despite Hurdles
Executive Summary: The Belarusian economy experienced 3.9-percent growth in 2023, a positive outcome compared to the 4.7-percent decline in 2022. Minsk is expanding its trade partners, and Belarusian officials have developed numerous connections with their international counterparts in the Global South and elsewhere over the... MORE

Tightening Sanctions Will Further Compromise Russia’s War-Torn Economy
Executive Summary: The Kremlin is preparing to mobilize the Russian economy and population not only for the “long war” against Ukraine but also for a potential large-scale conflict with the West. Beyond providing Kyiv with the necessary arms and economic support, a more concerted effort... MORE

Ukrainian-Georgian Relations Reach New Low
Executive Summary: Relations between Tbilisi and Kyiv have reached an all-time low as the two governments remain at odds over Russia’s war against Ukraine and the release of former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, a Ukrainian citizen, from prison. Georgia’s ruling party has claimed that the... MORE

Belarus’s Diplomatic Activities Reflect a Non-Ideological Foreign Policy
Executive Summary: Belarusian Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik’s recent visits to India and Mongolia highlight Minsk’s growing ambitions to court alternative economic partners to Russia and the West. These efforts reflect a non-ideological basis for Belarus’s foreign policy, as pragmatic economic considerations almost always trump ideological... MORE

Moldova’s Obscure Russia Policy Presents a Major Vulnerability Before Elections
Executive Summary: Russia’s interest and level of subversive activities in Moldova has grown, leading the Moldovan Foreign Ministry to state that Russia’s actions “undermine Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” The latest escalation in bilateral ties provides an informative snapshot of Russia’s intentions for Moldova, exploiting... MORE

Ideology-Driven Paramilitary Groups Threaten Russia and Beyond
Executive Summary: Ideology-driven paramilitary groups in Russia have grown significantly in size and influence since the beginning of the war against Ukraine, with the Russian Imperial Movement and “Rusich” representing perhaps the most active entities in this regard. Both groups are built on far-right, ultranationalist,... MORE