Latest Articles about Ukraine
Gazprom Turns the Crisis Into an Opportunity -and a New Crisis
Russia's economy has achieved a modicum of stability after the meltdown that had spread with devastating force from the stock exchange to the financial sector and to industry. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in his report (rather resembling an instruction session) to the State Duma praised... MORE
Russian “National Identity” and the Ukraine-EU Pipeline Deal
Ukraine's gas pipeline deal with the EU on March 23 led to an avalanche of Russian outrage that had less to do with the agreement, but exposed the Kremlin's use of Russian national identity. Russia apparently felt 'betrayed' by Europe and Ukraine. Russian state-controlled media... MORE
European Union’s Eastern Partnership Plan Disappoints Ukraine
President Viktor Yushchenko was vexed when European Commission President Jose Barroso suggested that he and Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko should make peace for the sake of Ukraine's stability. "I don't want to get advice on what to do anywhere in Europe, this is humiliating,"... MORE
Opening Salvos of a New Gas War: Russia Versus the EU and Ukraine
The Ukrainian - EU agreement on renovating the main Ukrainian gas trunk pipeline signed in Brussels on March 23 was greeted with a virulent reaction from Moscow. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who runs his countries gas sector with an iron fist, threatened to "review"... MORE
Can the Far-Right and Liberal Hopefuls Challenge Ukraine’s Leaders?
Recent opinion polls and a local election on March 16 have shown that two stars are rising in Ukrainian politics. The time remaining until the January 2010 presidential election should show whether the two, far-right Oleg Tyahnybok and liberal economist Arseny Yatsenyuk, will prove viable... MORE
Ukrainian Central Bank to Become More Independent from Government
The efforts of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's government to tighten control over the banking sector have failed. In order to qualify for loans from the IMF, the government has had to cancel its orders for the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) to buy government bonds... MORE
Romanian-Ukrainian Espionage Scandal Exacerbates Already Poor Relations
NATO and European Union (EU) membership for Romania was meant to consign to history its penchant for territorial claims and its poor record on national minority rights, but this was not to be. Ukraine, the non-NATO member with the greatest level of cooperation with NATO,... MORE
Nalyvaychenko Becomes Ukrainian Security Chief After Two Years in Legal Limbo
The Ukrainian parliament on March 6 approved President Viktor Yushchenko's nomination for Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) chief, Valentyn Nalyvaychenko. Yushchenko's choice was backed by 230 votes in the 450-seat unicameral body. Nalyvaychenko was supported by a coalition of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc (BYT),... MORE
Security Service Raids Ukrainian State Gas Companies
On March 4 and 5 armed units of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted raids on the headquarters of Naftohaz Ukrainy, the state-owned oil and gas company, and UkrTranshaz, the operator of the Ukrainian gas pipeline company. According to a March 5 report by... MORE
Yushchenko, Tymoshenko Pledge Reforms in Letter to IMF
Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko have managed to set their differences aside and agree on a reform package in an effort to save the economy from imminent collapse. Yushchenko and Tymoshenko agreed on March 2 on the content of a letter... MORE