Latest Articles about Europe

Ukrainian President Yanukovych Continues to Reshuffle Government

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych continues reshuffling his government with an eye to the parliamentary election scheduled for October 28. Political lightweights are being replaced with heavyweights and individuals personally loyal to Yanukovych. At the same time, the transfer of the influential election campaign manager for... MORE

Viktor Yanukovych Two Years on: Why Many Got Him Wrong

February 25 will mark the second anniversary of Viktor Yanukovych’s election, during which attitudes toward him and his administration have hardened. But this was not always the case, and views of Yanukovych can be divided into three groups: to order, naïve and realistic.To Order: From... MORE

Shah Deniz Consortium Members Signal Conflicting Priorities (Part One)

On February 20-22, one or more anonymous representatives of the Shah Deniz gas producers’ consortium announced their preferred pipeline options for transporting Azerbaijani gas to Europe. Of the existing five rival options, those representatives have eliminated one pipeline project; suggested (thus, prejudging) the order of... MORE

Baltic Nuclear Power Plant Project Contends with Extraneous Issues

The Baltic regional nuclear power plant project, at Visaginas in Lithuania, is moving forward despite unfavorable international circumstances. At this point, the adverse circumstances are not internal to the project. They are extraneous to it, originating variously from Russia and from Europe.Last July, Lithuania selected... MORE