Latest Articles about Middle East

Jihadis Debate Methods of Financing the Mujahideen Network in Iraq
The main objective of jihadi Websites and forums is to garner support for the Mujahideen on various levels, the most important of which is fundraising and transferring money to the battlefields, essential for the continuity of terrorist operations. To that end, Jihadi forums intermittently appeal... MORE

Erdogan’s Visit to Tehran Raises Questions over Turkish Foreign Policy
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s two day official visit to Iran gained the attention of world leaders, because soon after his visit to Tehran he was scheduled to visit Washington on October 29. However, due to his tight schedule, Erdogan’s visit to Washington was... MORE

Diplomacy Fails to Defuse Iraqi Anger over Alleged Syrian Role in Baghdad’s “Bloody Wednesday”
Only 24 hours passed between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s warm welcome to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the presidential palace in Damascus and the attacks on the government buildings in Baghdad that killed dozens and spoiled the development of fraternal relations between the two... MORE

Between the Hammer and the Anvil: An Exclusive Interview with PJAK’s Agiri Rojhilat
Agiri Rojhilat is one of the top seven members of the Partiya Jiyana Azad a Kurdistane (PJAK) which is a part of the larger umbrella organization Koma Civaken Kurdistan (KCK) that includes the PKK. The Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan portrays itself to... MORE

Challenges to U.S. Proposal to Pacify Northern Iraq May Lead to Extended American Military Presence
As the U.S. military prepares for rapid disengagement from Iraq following parliamentary elections to be held early next year, growing Arab-Kurdish tensions in northern Iraq over the ownership of “disputed territories” are emerging as the main threat to Iraqi stability. In response to rising violence... MORE

Tehran on the Brink of Procuring S-300 Missiles
The Russian-Iranian deal on advanced S-300 long-range anti-aircraft missiles may go ahead despite U.S. and Israeli objections. This week the Interfax news agency quoted an unnamed government source confirming that the deal to sell Iran S-300 missiles had been “frozen” for several years, but Russia... MORE

China’s Persian Gulf Strategy: Israel and a Nuclearizing Iran 2009
On September 15, a task force co-chaired by Senator Charles Robb (D-VA) and Senator Daniel Coats (R-IN) at the Bipartisan Policy Center released a report [1], calling on President Barack Obama to devise a tougher strategy to prevent a nuclear Iran. The subtitle of the... MORE

Television Drama Strains Turkish-Israeli Ties
The strains in Turkish-Israeli relations have increased over the past week, raising questions about the durability of the strategic relationship between the two countries.Earlier last week, Ankara’s decision to cancel the international dimension of the multinational Anatolian Eagle air defense exercise dealt a serious blow... MORE
Turkey Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreements with Syria and Iraq
As Turkish-Israeli relations reveal fresh signs of tension, Ankara appears to be moving closer to its two Arab neighbors, Syria and Iraq. On October 13, the first ministerial meeting of the Turkey-Syria High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council began in the Syrian city of Aleppo, and then... MORE

Postponed Military Exercise Tests Turkish-Israeli Cooperation
Turkish-Israeli relations face a new test over Ankara's decision to change the format of a joint international military exercise to a national exercise. Following some Israeli officials' charges that the move was based on political motivations, the Turkish side called on Tel Aviv to behave... MORE