Latest Articles about Far East/Siberia

Russia’s Deteriorating Infrastructure on Verge of Collapse, Threatening Tough Winter Ahead
Executive Summary: Russian officials have begun to address the degrading state of critical civilian infrastructure, particularly heating systems, ahead of the coming winter. The past few years have seen catastrophic incidents leaving many Russians without heat. Russian officials blame numerous sources for these issues—including Russian... MORE

Putin Cannot Escape War in Ukraine Amid Travels to Far East
Executive Summary: The Eastern Economic Forum, held in Vladivostok from September 3 to 6, demonstrated Moscow’s shortcomings in its commitment to pivoting its economic policy toward the Asia-Pacific, especially China. Stagnation rather than expansion is the trend in Russia-China economic interactions, as Chinese companies are... MORE

Russia’s Diamond Industry Under Pressure of Stricter Sanctions
Executive Summary: EU member states and other Western powers have introduced restrictive sanctions against Russia’s diamond-producing industry, a major contributor to the Russian economy, such as restrictions against the import of Russian diamonds directly or from other countries. Other diamond-producing countries, many of which are... MORE

Population Flight Leaving Russia’s Far East Increasingly Less Russian
Executive Summary: The population of the Russian Far East has fallen by almost a third since 1991, a decline that is accelerating again despite Putin’s efforts to stop it. One-third of those remaining say they want to leave, and another third likely share those plans.... MORE

Transition to a ‘Post-Putin’ Russia Threatens to Be Prolonged
Executive Summary: President Vladimir Putin once again installed new governors in several of Russia’s regions, with special focus given to the expected regional response to the appointments in Khabarovsk Krai and Kaliningrad oblast. The mission of these new appointees is to suppress the interests of... MORE

Putin’s Turn to East Boosts Demand for Chinese Language Expertise and Fears of China
Executive Summary: Booming demand for Russians who know Chinese, a product of Putin’s turn to the East, is exacerbating long-standing fears that Moscow will lose control over lands east of the Urals. The flight of Russians from the vast and underpopulated region, combined with the... MORE

Ethnically Non-Russian Formations in Russia’s War on Ukraine: Siberia
Executive Summary: Russia is struggling to attract more volunteers to fight in Ukraine, and Moscow has increasingly turned to the outer regions for recruitment. Such an approach has raised ethnic tensions in some regions where the volunteers are largely non-ethnic Russians, while other regions have... MORE

Putin Pushes to Call All Russian Residents ‘Russkiye’: Word for Ethnic Nation
Executive Summary: The Russian language uses two words for “Russian.” One primarily denotes Russian ethnicity, and the other usually refers to citizens of the Russian Federation (regardless of their ethnicity). Due to a decline in residents declaring themselves as ethnic Russians and a desire to... MORE

Russia’s Arctic-Based Oil Mega-Project Struggles to Attract Foreign Investors
Executive Summary: Russian officials have played up China’s interest in potentially investing in the Vostok Oil project, though significant challenges remain. The mega-project looks to enhance Moscow’s geopolitical ties with Asia, elevate the Northern Sea Route’s competitiveness with the Suez Canal, and promote economic growth.... MORE

Moscow Struggles to Deliver Supplies to Populations Along Northern Sea Route
Russians living in the Far North are fed up with the lack of basic living supplies from their local governments. This discontent may soon escalate to the federal level. Moscow must be able to supply population centers and military bases along the country’s northern border... MORE