Latest Articles about Middle Volga

Kremlin Mobilizes Muslim Hierarchies to Support War Effort

Executive Summary: Moscow is using the Muslim Spiritual Directorates (MSDs) for the primary purpose for which they were established during World War II: to mobilize Muslims in Russia against a foreign enemy. The MSDs’ tasks include boosting the recruitment of young Muslims, limiting internal clashes... MORE

Ethnically Non-Russian Formations in Russia’s War on Ukraine: Bashkortostan

Executive Summary: Russia is expanding the number of “volunteer battalions” from non-ethnically Russian regions, especially Bashkortostan. Most battalions are named after Soviet or post-Soviet heroes—likely to prevent inflaming local patriotic (nationalist), anti-Russian, or anti-colonial sentiments in Bashkortostan. Moscow, in legitimizing these formations, is trying to... MORE

New ‘Black January’ in Bashkortostan Casts Ever-Darker Shadow

 Executive Summary: The Bashkirs are increasingly hearkening back to their heritage of resistance to the central government, leading other non-Russian ethnic minorities to view Moscow, rather than their local leaders, as the problem. Some observers are describing the events in Bashkortostan as a new “Black... MORE

Repression in Bashkortostan Buys Moscow Only a Brief Respite

Executive Summary: Although Moscow and Ufa believe their repressions against protesters have been successful, the repressions will likely radicalize protest attitudes, ensuring that non-Russians will see Moscow as the problem. Expert observers recognize this is the case, sparking a new discussion about what the Kremlin... MORE

Kazakh Nationalists Call for Astana to Absorb Orenburg, Outraging Moscow

Executive Summary: Both Bashkir and Kazakh nationalists are pressing for greater control over or outright annexation of Russia’s Orenburg Oblast. Russian commentators are calling on Moscow to increase pressure on Astana and expand the Russian military presence in Orenburg to prevent such actions. Opening the... MORE

Bashkir Protests Sending Shockwaves Across Russia and Beyond

Executive Summary: Mass protests in Bashkortostan featured calls for the independence of the Middle Volga republic and have shattered the image that Russia is united behind Putin. These events have convinced Bashkirs and other non-Russians that their time is coming, and Kyiv believes that the... MORE