Latest Articles about Russia

Brutal Strikes on Ukraine Preserve Putin’s Maneuverability

Executive Summary: The series of brutal Russian strikes against Ukraine, especially on Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital, have raised the stakes of Moscow’s war before a possible start of a negotiation process, creating a precedent of brutality Russia must uphold to maintain the initiative.  These strikes have... MORE

OSCE Declares ‘Decolonization of Russia’ as Necessary for Peace

Executive Summary: The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe declared that the “decolonization of the Russian Federation is a necessary condition for sustainable peace” and that Russia is pursuing a “policy of genocide” in Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine did... MORE

Russian Casualties in Ukraine Continue to Rise

Executive Summary: An estimated 120,000 Russians have died in the Kremlin’s war against Ukraine. The rate of losses is increasing over time, boding discontent among Russians as they continue to be used as cannon fodder. Ethnically non-Russian regions have borne the brunt of the losses... MORE

Russia Struggles to Counter Upgrade of NATO-Ukraine Compact

Executive Summary: The recent North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Washington yielded many practical decisions on building Western military capabilities and sustaining offensive operations in Ukraine through bilateral security agreements and increased aid from “frontline” states. Moscow hopes to exploit NATO divisions, but Russian... MORE