Latest Articles about South Asia
Salaheddin Faroughi: A Profile of the Baloch Emir of Jaish-al-Adl
Executive Summary Salaheddin Faroughi (alias Abdolrahim Mollahzadeh) is the emir of Jaish-al-Adl (JAA), a militant group seeking autonomy or an independent state for the Baloch people of Iran and Pakistan. JAA was the proximate cause of the most recent series of cross-border fights between the... MORE
Ikramul Haque: From Madrassa Student to AQIS Recruiter in India and Bangladesh
Executive Summary Ikramul Haque, deputy head of al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) and head of the group's propaganda wing, was arrested in Bangladesh in May 2023. His story of recruitment and radicalization highlights AQIS’s cross-border coordination and recruitment in India and Bangladesh, particularly through... MORE
Afghanistan’s Canal Project Looks to Deepen Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan’s Water Woes
Executive Summary: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan are facing severe water shortages, which Kabul plans to counter with the Qosh Tepa canal, which will likely exacerbate water issues in Central Asia. Uzbekistan’s and Turkmenistan’s economies largely rely on agriculture, and the canal project would detrimentally affect... MORE
Russia Hopes to Use Caspian Sea Route to Evade Sanctions
Executive Summary: Moscow seeks to boost its struggling economy through increased development of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) as a real competitor to the Suez Canal and the Bosphorus Strait. Moscow wants the INSTC to open pathways to new markets that circumvent Western monitoring... MORE
NIA Dismantles Remaining Islamic State Cells in India
Executive Summary India's National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested over 180 people in 2023 for involvement in jihadist terror cases, 65 of which were associated specifically with IS, as part of a broader strategy to disrupt IS's influence in India. In December 2023 alone, the NIA... MORE
TTP Activity Causes Continued Deterioration in Pakistani–Afghan Relations
Executive Summary Continued attacks from the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) out of Afghan territory have strained relations between Kabul and Islamabad over Afghanistan's continued sheltering of the Islamist group. Tit-for-tat escalation and intensifying rhetoric between the two countries could possibly lead to war in the future.... MORE
BeiDou And Strategic Advancements in PRC Space Navigation
Executive Summary: BeiDou enhances both the PRC’s strategic autonomy and its influence across the world. It has signed agreements with numerous countries to expand its use, including for military applications. An interoperability agreement with the US government diminishes the strategic value of GPS by eliminating... MORE
‘Markay Hain Taiz Tar’: An Analysis of the Pakistani Taliban’s Final Propaganda Video of 2023
Executive Summary The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) released the 8th video in their "Battles Are Accelerated" series showcasing attacks on Pakistani security forces throughout 2023, meant to portray the TTP as a formidable force and the Pakistani military as weak. Infographics at the end of the... MORE
Jewel Ali: The Founder of Imam Mahmuder Kafela in Bangladesh
Executive Summary The charismatic leader of a new Bangladeshi terrorist group called Imam Mahmuder Kafela (IMK), Jewel Ali, was recently arrested. Despite his arrest, Ali’s ability to fundraise, organize, and promote his ideology on social media combine with the persistent popularity of his message to... MORE
Russia Looks to South Asia for Immigrant Workers as Flow from Central Asia Dries Up
Executive Summary: Moscow is looking to South Asia as a source of new immigrants to compensate for the demographic decline of the Russian population and declining numbers of migrant workers from Central Asia. Such a policy faces enormous obstacles given both the negative attitudes of... MORE