Latest Articles about North Caucasus

Is Chechnya’s Strongman Poised to Capitalize on Prigozhin’s Downfall?

Reading into Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions in the aftermath of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s mutiny is comparable to entering a baffling alternate universe where messages are sent with symbols, cues and nonverbal communication (;, June 29). Take, for example, the Russian president’s first post-coup visit, which... MORE

Cossacks Now Challenging Moscow on Multiple Fronts

The Cossacks present broader and more serious challenges to the Kremlin than perhaps any other ethnic or regional group in the Russian Federation, challenges that increasingly affect the country as a whole. The Vladimir Putin regime recognizes this reality and has been taking various steps... MORE

Putin Truly Fears Russia’s Potential Rupture

In February 2023, when President Vladimir Putin referred to the possibility that not only the Russian Federation but also the Russian nation itself could disintegrate, commentators in both Moscow and the West agreed almost unanimously that he was engaged in a propaganda exercise rather than... MORE

Moscow Continues Efforts to Penetrate Circassian Diaspora

Throughout its history, no country’s government has devoted more attention to its émigrés and diaspora populations than that of Russia. Nor has any other country taken more steps to try to disorder, penetrate and control them. The reason for this is simple: émigrés and diasporas... MORE