Latest Articles about The Caucasus

Umarov Bows to Pressure Inside Militant Command to Target Sochi Olympics

Many observers were surprised by rebel leader Doku Umarov’s videotaped statement recently posted on the Internet announcing an end to the moratorium on attacks on Russian territory (, but this announcement should have been expected by those who follow the developments in the region. The... MORE

Georgian Government Revokes Visa-Free Travel Rules with Iran

On July 1, the Georgian government unilaterally revoked the 45-day visa-free travel rules with Iran (, July 3). Georgia implemented a visa-free regime with Iran in January 2011, under President Mikheil Saakashvili’s administration. Although, the step increased the number of Iranian visitors in Georgia from... MORE

Caucasus Emirate Reverses Position on Syrian Jihad

In less than a year, the Caucasus Emirate’s leaders have reversed their position on whether or not to view the uprising in Syria as a sacred jihad. The leader of the North Caucasian jihadist movement, Doku Umarov, spoke rather ambiguously in a video address last... MORE