Latest Articles about Georgia

Georgian Dream Coalition: Fragile Unity

On January 4, parliamentarian Levan Berdzenishvili, one of the leaders of the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) coalition and a high ranking member of the Republican Party (RP), stated that the parties making up the coalition will run separately in the 2014 local elections. Prime Minister... MORE

Irakly Okruashvili: Prisoner of Conscience, Provocateur or Traitor?

A trial is underway over one of the most controversial and interesting political figures in recent Georgian history, Irakly Okruashvili (; In 2004–2006, Okruashvili alternately occupied such high-ranking government positions as general prosecutor, interior and defense minister of Georgia. Okruashvili was considered one of... MORE

No Plan to Solve Deadlock Over Occupied Georgian Regions

On December 6, speaking at the conference, “Perspectives of Georgian-Abkhaz and Georgian-Ossetian relations under the new government,” held in Tbilisi, Georgia’s Minister of Reintegration Paata Zakareishvili stated that the country should expect first concrete results from its engagement with Abkhazian and Ossetian separatists within ten... MORE

Silk Wind Project in Central Asia and South Caucasus Gains Speed

In recent months, Kazakhstan and Georgia have joined with Azerbaijan and Turkey to make considerable progress in their Silk Wind Project, which aims to construct a high-speed, multimodal container transportation system for freight shipments between the countries of Europe, the Caucasus and Asia. According to... MORE

Will Georgians Watch Russian TV Channels Again?

The new Georgian government’s decision to resume broadcast of Russian television channels may be among the most important recent moves by the country’s leadership ( The previous government suspended Russian television broadcasts in Georgia in August 2008. Now some cable companies in Georgia have again... MORE

Russia is Pushing Georgia into Accepting More Concessions

On November 29, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in response to the new Georgian government’s attempts to normalize ties with Russia, declared that Moscow was ready for dialogue with Tbilisi. However, the talks would progress on the condition that Georgia takes into consideration new geopolitical... MORE