Latest Articles about South Caucasus

Turkey Clears the Way For Azerbaijani Gas Transfers

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev have co-chaired the first meeting of the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council (HLSCC) in Turkey’s Aegean city of Izmir. The HLSCC, which follows on the partnership model Turkey has been seeking to develop with neighboring... MORE

Armenia’s Kocharian Signals Comeback Plans

Former President Robert Kocharian appears to have reopened potentially serious cracks in Armenia’s governing coalition by offering more indications of his desire to return to active politics. He has also signaled his dissatisfaction with the track record of President Serzh Sargsyan, his successor and longtime... MORE

Billionaire Ivanishvili Offers to Lead the Opposition In Georgia

Bidzina Ivanishvili, whose $5.5 billion, made-in-Russia wealth equals Georgia’s state budget, has announced his candidacy for one of Georgia’s two top posts under the new constitution: prime minister or chairman of parliament. Parliamentary elections are due in May 2012 to usher in the new constitutional... MORE

Georgia Tycoon Ivanishvili Ready to Bid For State Purchase

Bidzina Ivanishvili’s spokesmen confirm the Forbes List estimate of his wealth. At $5.5 billion, this is approximately equal to Georgia’s state budget expenditures. It is also equivalent to one half of Georgia’s $11.7 billion annual gross domestic product, but does not contribute to generating it... MORE

Armenian Opposition Launches Non-Stop Protests

After months of unsuccessful negotiations with the government, Armenia’s most influential opposition force led by former President Levon Ter-Petrosian has launched a new campaign of round-the-clock demonstrations supposedly aimed at forcing early national elections. Hundreds of people camped out in Yerevan’s Liberty Square on September... MORE

Surreal Eastern Partnership Summit: EU Gives Ukraine Last Red Card

The September 29-30, Eastern Partnership summit in Warsaw was another typically EU empty diplomatic soirée. The Viktor Yanukovych administration has ignored Western criticism of political repression and the EU has put all its eggs into the Ukraine basket to show success in the Eastern Partnership,... MORE