Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

EU Draws Transnistria Closer to Avoid Looming Instability
On November 29, Transnistria—the Russian-supported separatist region of Moldova—held parliamentary and local elections. Despite predictions to the contrary, the opposition forces won a landslide victory, claiming 31 of the 43 seats in the local legislature (Novosti Pridnestrovya, December 2). Even if unrecognized by the international... MORE

The Crimean Blockade: An Unfinished Saga
Crimea, which had almost faded from the global political agenda following Russia’s ensuing military operations, first in Eastern Ukraine and then in Syria, has again reemerged in the headlines. Despite the Russian occupation, the annexed peninsula continued to receive all its critical goods, services and... MORE

Russian Sanctions Against Turkey Show That Circassians Are Among Russia’s Priority Targets
Russia-Turkey relations appear to be deteriorating further after last month’s downing of a Russian warplane on the border between Turkey and Syria. At a meeting with Russian defense ministry officials on December 11, President Vladimir Putin warned against “provocations” against the Russian military in Syria... MORE

Biden Issues Warning to Oligarchs as Corruption Accusations Fly in Ukraine
Now may be the last chance to stop corruption from eroding the foundations of the Ukrainian state, the United States’ Vice President Joe Biden told local politicians during his visit to Kyiv on December 6–8. Addressing the Ukrainian parliament on December 8, he warned against... MORE

Estimates of the Number of Dagestanis Fighting in Syria Range from 600 to 5,000
Recent reports suggest that the number of foreign recruits to the Islamic State (IS) has increased two-fold over the past year and a half (, December 8). At the same time, based on open sources, a group of researchers have found that the flow of... MORE

Russian Intelligence Experiences Setback in Effort to Penetrate Islamic State Network in Syria
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan has estimated that 2,000–3,000 militants from Russia are fighting in Syria (, November 16), half the number given by Russian President Vladimir Putin (, October 16). Syrian President Bashar al-Assad provides an even higher figure: he estimates that... MORE

Circassians Express Indignation Over Monument to Tsar Alexander II in Sochi
On November 21, the authorities in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi erected a monument to Russian Tsar Alexander II. The monument was part of a larger project called the Alley of Russian Fame (Alleya Rossiyskoy Slavy). The head of the project, Mikhail Serdyukov,... MORE

Georgia’s Once Powerful Former Ruling Party Is in Danger of Fragmentation
United National Movement (UNM), Georgia’s once powerful political party, which spent nine years (2003–2012) in power, is in serious trouble. The start of December 2015 brought new revelations of the party’s internal power struggle and fragmentation, which turns out to be much deeper than previously... MORE

Uncontrolled Movements of People in North Caucasus Threaten Russian Security
The Russian authorities have lost control over three key movements of people in the North Caucasus—from rural areas to the cities, from the North Caucasus region to Moscow and other Russian centers, and from the region to Syria and the Middle East more generally. That... MORE

Moscow’s Economic Sanctions Against Turkey Will Have Negative Impact on North Caucasus
Moscow’s reaction to the downing of a Russian military jet over Turkey has been unusually harsh. In his address to the Russian parliament on December 3, President Vladimir Putin continued his diatribe against Turkey’s leadership. “If anybody thinks that after having committed a cowardly military... MORE