Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

‘New Tajikistan’—New Tensions?

Tension has gripped Tajikistan over the past several weeks in response to the establishment of a new political party. The founding of this party by reputable political, business and academic elites has awakened the public and represents a new phenomenon in the political life of... MORE

Anti-Gay Rampage in Tbilisi: Is Impunity Returning to Georgia?

On May 17, several hundred gay rights activists from the organization Identoba (Identity) attempted to hold a rally in central Tbilisi to mark the International Day Against Homophobia ( Although the government deployed police to protect the demonstrators, thousands of anti-gay mobs led by radical... MORE

The Spy Story: An Episode in Russia’s Confusion

As spy scandals go, the one in Moscow last week (May 14) could set a new record for oddity and senselessness. Accused Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent Ryan Fogle (29) was caught red-handed with a thick pad of money, a map of Moscow and, remarkably,... MORE

Sources of Moldova’s Political Chaos: The Parliamentary System

Moldova’s tripartite government, the Alliance for European Integration (AEI), has foundered over its internal contradictions, and will no longer be resuscitated in its previously existing form. Two of AEI’s parties have scuttled Prime Minister Vlad Filat’s government in a sequence of steps: on March 5... MORE