Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Kumyk Leader Murdered in Dagestan

The Kumyks are the third largest ethnic group in Dagestan. According to official data for 2010, an estimated 422,000 Kumyks lived in the mountainous republic (, ranking third after the Avars, with a population of 814,000, and Dargins, with a population of 510,000 in the... MORE

Moldovan Prime Minister Filat Ousted by Intra-Coalition Rivals

Moldova is again experiencing a vacancy of government. The tripartite Alliance for European Integration (AEI), under the Liberal-Democrat Prime Minister Vlad Filat, collapsed on March 5, abandoned by its other two parties. The Democratic Party, led by Parliament Chairman Marian Lupu officially and by business... MORE

Moldova’s Tycoon Plahotniuc Gaining Political Influence

Moldova’s wealthiest businessman, Vlad Plahotniuc, is expanding his influence over state institutions. The power struggle, pitting Plahotniuc along with his Democratic Party (officially led by Parliament Chairman Marian Lupu) against Prime Minister Vlad Filat’s Liberal-Democrat Party, has torn apart the governing Alliance for European Integration... MORE

Putin Appears in Denial About the Situation in Russia

For the eleventh time since 2000, President Vladimir Putin (60) ran a televised national question-and-answer (Q & A) session that lasted almost nonstop for five hours on April 25. Economic growth, which made Putin popular before, has slowed down almost to a stop. Meanwhile, the... MORE

Fierce Debate Erupts over the Meaning of the “China Dream”

Since becoming General Secretary at the 18th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) last November, Xi Jinping has talked about the “China Dream” (zhongguo meng) at least five times. On all these occasions, Xi has equated the China Dream with “fulfilling the great... MORE

New Georgian Government Begins to Show Its Dark Side

On April 4, various Georgian news agencies, based on an article by the British newspaper The Guardian, reported that Georgian Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili was the owner in 2006–2009 of a secret offshore company, Bosherston Overseas Corp. (BOC), in the British Virgin Islands (,,... MORE

Chechen Authorities Organize Incursion into Ingushetia

On April 18, against the backdrop of the ongoing territorial dispute between Chechnya and Ingushetia, about 300 law enforcement agents from the Chechen Republic entered the village of Arshty in Ingushetia’s Sunzha district. The incursion took the tensions between Ingushetia and Chechnya to a whole... MORE