Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Uzbek Dissidents Under Death Threats in Sweden

A court of appeals in the Swedish town of Sundsvall will consider an appeal lodged by prosecuting authorities in a case of attempted murder of Imam Obidhon Nazarov in early 2013.Prosecutor Krister Petersson, who investigated the attempt on the life of Nazarov, a well-known Uzbek... MORE

Prosecutors Allege Large-Scale Corruption in Defense Ministry

Russia’s Investigation Committee (Slyedstvenny Kommitet Rossye—SKR) spokesman Vladimir Markin stunned Moscow on October 25 by publicly accusing the defense ministry–controlled holding company “Oboronservis” of corruption and of defrauding the federal budget of “over three billion rubles” ($100 million). According to Markin, the offices of “Oboronservis”... MORE

Indecision Time for Putin as Russia Drifts Toward Stagnant Authoritarianism

Russia’s departure from quasi-democracy is beyond doubt, but it drifts rather than marches toward a debilitated and corrupt authoritarianism as Vladimir Putin’s third presidency settles into a tedious pattern. The discourse of “modernization” has been discarded and most of Dmitry Medvedev’s “innovations” have been cancelled,... MORE

Events in Dagestan Force the Kremlin to Become More Active

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited Dagestan on October 2 ( While there, Medvedev stated that Moscow was prepared to inject additional cash into the North Caucasus in order to improve the socio-economic situation in the region. The prime minister’s choice of which North Caucasian... MORE

China’s International Right to Speak

As Beijing’s reach continues to expand, Chinese analysts are increasingly troubled by the country’s weak ability to influence how international issues, especially the rise of China, are framed and evaluated—called the “right to speak” or “discourse power” (huayuquan). The Western concern about Chinese doping at... MORE