Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

A New Mongolian Government Is Finally Formed

On August 25, Prime Minister Norovyn Altankhuyag chaired the first full cabinet meeting since Mongolia’s sixth parliamentary election, which was held on June 28 (Mongolian Government Press, August 26). Because his Democratic Party could not obtain the 39 parliamentary seats necessary to form its own... MORE

Putin Increases His Attention to the Northwest Caucasus

On September 5, President Vladimir Putin met in Moscow with a delegation from Karachaevo-Cherkessia, headed by the republican governor, Rashid Temrezov. Besides the top republican official, a teacher, a farmer, a businessman and a scholar took part in the meeting. This type of meeting with... MORE

China’s Shades of Grey

China seems to call out for dramatization. In part this may be the result of its tumultuous history from the First Opium War and the Taiping Rebellion through to the Cultural Revolution and the death of Mao Zedong in 1976. In part it is a... MORE

Putin Plans to Rearm Russia Against the West with Western Help

During the mass public protest demonstrations in Moscow that began last December, one of the most popular public slogans has been “Putin—vor [thief]!” This catchphrase unites opposition forces that in most cases have little else in common: pro-Western liberals, Marxist leftists and pro-Nazi nationalists—the three... MORE

Political Autumn in Russia Blows Hot and Cold

The end of summer has instantly switched Russian politics to full gear as events and challenges are crowding the agenda and confusing the trajectory of the oscillating but not dissipating crisis. The Borodino battlefield outside Moscow saw over the weekend celebrations of the 200th anniversary... MORE

Holy Sultan Mosque Marks Kazakhstan’s Muslim Revival

Last month, the largest mosque in Central Asia, Hazret Sultan (“Holy Sultan”), opened in Astana. The mosque, whose total area is more than 17,500 square meters (188,368 square feet), is designed in classic Islamic style with traditional Kazakh ornaments and decorative elements. Its walls have... MORE