Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Is the North Caucasus Rebel Movement Spreading Beyond the North Caucasus?
Russian mass media last week spread word of a statement by the command of the Chechen rebels that referred to Riyadus-Salikhin (Gardens of the Righteous) in connection with the killing of former Russian army colonel Yuri Budanov, who was shot to death in Moscow on... MORE
Special Commentary from Inside Western Libya– The Nalut Offensive: A View from the Battlefield
Executive Summary:In response to weeks-long GRAD artillery fire aimed at their key supply hub of Nalut, Libya’s western rebels finally launched a large scale, logistically sophisticated offensive against the Qaddafist-held towns of Ghazaya and Takut in recent days. In the weeks leading up to the... MORE

Kazakh Authorities Ignore Political Implications of Strikes in Karazhanbas Oilfields
The popular British singer Sting disappointed thousands of his followers in Kazakhstan by suddenly canceling his concert scheduled for July 4 to celebrate the Day of Astana. The embarrassed promoters in Kazakhstan tried to attribute this cancelation to “technical reasons,” and finally had to reimburse... MORE

Memorial Report Attributes Improved Security Situation in the North Caucasus to Increase In Russian Troops
On July 22, the Memorial human rights center published a report on the most recent trends and developments in the North Caucasus. The report summarizes events spanning March-May 2011, and covers primarily Dagestan, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The report notes there was an increase of 6,000... MORE

Turkish Army’s Top Command Resigns
On July 29, Turkey was shaken by yet another development concerning a possible political crisis between the civilian authorities and the country’s upper military echelon. The Chief of the General Staff Isik Kosaner quit his post, followed by three of the four force commanders, Land... MORE

Kremlin Loyalist Admits Police Treat North Caucasus Residents Differently
On July 24, Russian government forces killed three suspected militants in the city of Dagestanskie Ogni in southern Dagestan. The security services accused the slain suspects of plotting terror attacks in central Russia, pointing to an arsenal of weapons and two suicide bomber belts that... MORE

The Prospect of Putin’s Return Comes Into Focus
As it happens all too often in Russian rumor-ridden politics, news that is taken seriously comes from abroad, and the Reuters analysis on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s newly-crystallized intention to return to the Kremlin made a stronger impression than most half-informed speculations (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, July... MORE

A Profile of Sudanese Rebel Leader Abd al-Aziz al-Hilu: Continuing the Civil War in the Nuba Mountains
Since the mid-1980s, Abd al-Aziz al-Hilu has been one of the leading rebel commanders in Sudan. Well known for his organizational skills and dedication to replacing the Arab-dominated central government of Sudan, al-Hilu has advocated for a more broad-based federalist system that would recognize the... MORE

Fazal Saeed Haqqani: A New Player on the Jihadi Scene in Pakistan’s FATA
The split in the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on the eve of a military operation in the Kurram agency is a victory for the Pakistan army. In a surprising move, Fazal Saeed Haqqani, a relatively lesser known TTP commander in Kurram Agency, announced on June 27... MORE

The Muslim Brotherhood in Somalia: An Interview with the Islah Movement’s Abdurahman M. Abdullahi (Baadiyow)
The Jamestown Foundation recently posed a series of questions in an online interview with Abdurahman M. Abdullahi (Baadiyow), an Islamic scholar and prominent leader of the Islah (Reform) Movement in Somalia. The interview was designed to shed light on the views of Somalia’s Muslim Brotherhood... MORE