Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

International Assistance Granted to Support Ukrainian Economy

Several recent international decisions relating to Ukraine have shown that attitudes toward the local economy have improved following signs of stabilization. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved the allocation of another loan tranche, a rating agency expressed optimism on the sovereign ratings, and the European... MORE

Moldova’s Politics Remain Centered on the Communist Party

With the Communist Party still the strongest by far in society and holding almost half the seats in the new parliament, Moldova's post-communist transition becomes peculiarly complicated. The crucial question is whether the transition can be managed together with the Communist Party in a broad-based... MORE

Russia’s Hired Lobbies in the West

Russia's attempts to promote a positive image of being a "reliable energy supplier" as well as a safe and profitable haven for foreign investments have played a significant role in Russian policy. To achieve this goal the Russian government and state-owned companies have hired Western... MORE