Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Radical Georgian Opposition Considers Shift in Tactics

On May 11 in Tbilisi, a four-member delegation of the opposition's coalition held talks with President Mikheil Saakashvili and Parliamentary Chairman Davit Bakradze. This was the first time the extra-parliamentary opposition took up the government's often-repeated invitation to hold talks, since the start of daily... MORE

Turkey Debates the Village Guard System

In last week's bloodbath at an engagement party, masked gunmen armed with assault rifles killed 44 people including the bride and the groom in a small village in Turkey's southeastern province Mardin. As the country debated the causes of this carnage, attention shifted to an... MORE

Medvedev’s Presidency After the “Second Parade”

President Dmitry Medvedev marked the end of his first presidential year exactly the same way as he started - by presiding over the military parade on Red Square. There was, however, a different feeling about this picture-perfect display of military muscle, not only because Medvedev... MORE

Erdogan Reshuffles the Turkish Cabinet

On May 1, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced major revisions in his cabinet. While some ministers retained their posts, eight were removed and nine new members were brought into the cabinet, with another seven assigned to different positions (Today's Zaman, May 2). The... MORE

Ukraine Witnessing Rise of Radicalism

As elections approach in Ukraine, controversial historical and linguistic issues are high on the agenda within a country divided along regional and cultural lines. The nationalists including President Viktor Yushchenko, often perceive Moscow's hand behind this, while their opponents complain that the Ukrainian language and... MORE

European Envoys Trying in Vain to Reason With Opposition in Tbilisi

The European Union's Special Representative for Moldova, Kalman Mizsei, has made notable headway in brokering a dialogue between rival political forces in an incendiary post-election situation. The EU's High Representative for the Common and Security Policy, Javier Solana, visited Chisinau on April 25 to endorse... MORE

Numbers Declining, Risks Mounting in Tbilisi Demonstrations

As crowds dwindle to near-insignificance at the Tbilisi protest rallies, their leaders are abandoning the failed tactics of mass mobilization, shifting to new efforts designed to spark violence and blame it on the authorities. The daily protest rallies outside the Parliament building since April 9... MORE

Molodova’s Political Crisis Deepens

The security situation in Chisinau has stabilized in the wake of the April 7-8 violent riots, devastation of the parliament and presidency buildings, and post-factum police crackdown. While order has been restored, the political crisis is deepening as the opposition rejects the outcome of the... MORE

Opposition Selects Presidential Candidate to Stand Against Bakiyev

On April 20, the Kyrgyz opposition announced their candidate to compete with President Kurmanbek Bakiyev in the presidential election in July. After weeks of indecision, the opposition chose Almazbek Atambayev, the leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and former Prime Minister. The two leading... MORE