Latest Articles about Economics

U.S.-China Summits Point to Shift Toward Economic Statecraft
During President Trump’s trip to Beijing and the ASEAN Summit in November 2017, President Trump and President Xi confirmed that the future of U.S.-Chinese relations will focus largely on opportunities for U.S. and Chinese businesses, potential security cooperation, and ongoing points of friction. The ASEAN... MORE

China’s Relationship with Chile: The Struggle for the Future Regime of the Pacific
Though superpower diplomacy dominated coverage of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) leaders summit in November, China’s upgrading of a free-trade agreement with Chile served to highlight the strength of an economic and political relationship that it has built with the country, and the... MORE

Rohingya Crisis: Will China’s Mediation Succeed?
During his visits to Dhaka, Bangladesh and Naypyitaw, Myanmar on November 18 and 19, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward a three-phase plan to resolve the Rohingya crisis. First, Wang called for a ceasefire in Myanmar’s devastated Rakhine state, which is at the center... MORE

Russia Tacitly Entices Uzbekistan With Benefits of EEU, CSTO Membership
Since President Shavkat Mirziyaev’s state visit to Moscow in April 2017, bilateral relations between his country of Uzbekistan and Russia have been steadily expanding. And the frequency of subsequent bilateral exchanges suggests that this trend will most likely continue with the full support of both... MORE

Kazakhstan’s Fuel Crisis Sparks Anxiety About National Energy Security
Despite being the second-largest oil producer and exporter in the former Soviet Union, only behind Russia, Kazakhstan has been historically plagued by chronic deficits of fuel for domestic consumption. National energy security is at the top of the country’s priority list, yet little progress has... MORE

Agriculture: Post-Soviet Area’s Lone Bright Spot?
For most of the last hundred years, Russia was chronically unable to provide its citizens with sufficiently high quality or quantity of foodstuff. All the “heroic efforts” of the Soviet people culminated in the fact that during 1980–1985, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)... MORE

Power Flows Downstream: Sino-Vietnamese Relations and the Lancang-Mekong River
China’s international rivers are becoming a focal point for contests over control of natural resources. China, in its powerful position as headwater nation, continues to actively promote hydropower development domestically and internationally. When downstream nations rely on un-dammed rivers for fisheries and irrigation, this puts... MORE

One Belt One Road and East Africa: Beyond Chinese Influence
In October the Chinese Communist Party enshrined Xi Jinping’s “One Belt, One Road Initiative” (OBOR) in its constitution. The move again demonstrates how the sweeping plan linking China and Europe via land and sea routes now is at the heart of China’s foreign policy and... MORE

Has Xi Jinping Become “Emperor for Life”?
The just-ended 19th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Congress has confirmed Xi Jinping’s status as China’s “Emperor for Life.” The 64-year-old “core leader” has filled the country’s highest-ruling councils—the Politburo and the Politburo Standing Committee (PBSC)—with his cronies and loyalists. No cadres from younger generations were... MORE

S-400 Dispute Highlights Ongoing Difficulties in Turkey’s Rapprochement With Russia
Russian President Vladimir Putin made an unexpected visit to Ankara, on September 28 (, September 28). The reason for Putin’s trip was to discuss with Turkish authorities a host of regional and bilateral issues: the northern Iraqi Kurdistan referendum; the establishment of a safe zone... MORE