Latest Articles about Economics

Gazprom Must Compromise on EU Charges, but Putin Cannot

The European Commission delivered, on April 22, a “statement of objections” resulting from its probe launched back in September 2012, which amounts to charging Gazprom with abusing its dominant position on the gas market in several EU member states. The content of the charges has... MORE

Russian Company That Illegally Operates in Abkhazia Is Coming to Georgia

Abkhazia, a former autonomous region of Georgia, was recognized as an “independent state” by Russia following the five-day Russian-Georgian war in August 2008. A couple weeks ago (April 10), the “prime minister” of Abkhazia, Artur Mikvabia, officially presented the self-proclaimed republic’s newest deputy prime minister,... MORE

Russia Paying Steep Price for Annexing Crimea

This week (April 21), Russian prime minister and former president Dmitry Medvedev spent several hours presenting to the State Duma (lower house of parliament) the annual government report on policies and achievements in 2014, as required by the constitution. According to Medvedev, Russia is under... MORE

Russian MTS Returns to Uzbekistan: Implications for Bilateral Relations

In December 2014, Russian telecommunications company Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) resumed its business in Uzbekistan after a two-and-half-year absence. In 2012, Uzbekistan’s authorities had accused the company’s local subsidiary, Uzdunrobita (also known as MTS-Uzbekistan), of pursuing illicit financial schemes and illegally exploiting more than 250 base... MORE

Ukraine Conflict Benefits China

While Beijing officially supports Russia’s position on its annexation of Crimea, behind the scenes China is helping keep the battered Ukrainian economy afloat. On March 26, the Ukrainian government and China’s CITIC Construction (a subsidiary of CITIC Ltd.) signed a memorandum of understanding stipulating that... MORE

Belarus’s Economic Crisis and National Unity

At present, news coming out of Belarus is marked by two particular refrains: the economic crisis and a search for national consolidation. These refrains may be interrelated since negative macroeconomic trends, coupled with a lack of structural reforms that would boost the private sector, make... MORE