Latest Articles about Ethnic Minority Policy

Ethnically Non-Russian Formations in Russia’s War on Ukraine: Bashkortostan

Executive Summary: Russia is expanding the number of “volunteer battalions” from non-ethnically Russian regions, especially Bashkortostan. Most battalions are named after Soviet or post-Soviet heroes—likely to prevent inflaming local patriotic (nationalist), anti-Russian, or anti-colonial sentiments in Bashkortostan. Moscow, in legitimizing these formations, is trying to... MORE

Cossacks Plan More Military Aggrandizement

Executive Summary: A resurgence of Cossack militarism is occurring in Russia, evidenced through proposed legislation to the State Duma to establish a reserve army. Cossack leaders announce plans for new volunteer battalions and professional special forces units, leveraging experienced fighters from the ongoing conflict and... MORE

Repression in Bashkortostan Buys Moscow Only a Brief Respite

Executive Summary: Although Moscow and Ufa believe their repressions against protesters have been successful, the repressions will likely radicalize protest attitudes, ensuring that non-Russians will see Moscow as the problem. Expert observers recognize this is the case, sparking a new discussion about what the Kremlin... MORE

China’s UPR: Support for Abuse Stalls at the UN

Executive Summary: Analysis of UPR data suggests the PRC’s influence at the UN, at least on human rights issues, may be plateauing. The UPR outcomes reflect a potentially shifting global consensus on the country’s human rights practices, with increased coordination among critics and less cohesive... MORE