Latest Articles about Foreign Policy

US, Russia Reactivate Bilateral Negotiations on Ukraine (Part Two)

*To read Part One, please click here. President Barack Obama’s administration seems to pursue two contradictory goals: support Ukraine’s sovereignty and security in general terms but, at the same time, seek a short-term compromise that might satisfy Russia in Ukraine’s east. Preoccupied with “legacy” issues... MORE

China’s Blueprint for Sea Power

Powered by the world’s second largest economy and defense budget, China has implemented a consistent, incremental strategy of upholding its outstanding territorial and maritime claims in the Near Seas (Yellow, East, and South China Seas), while more gradually developing an outer layer of less-intensive capabilities... MORE

Need for Closer Ties With Beijing Clouds Moscow’s View of the SCO

Russian views of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) were prominently on display at the grouping’s most recent summit, in Tashkent, which took place on June 23–24. Specifically, President Vladimir Putin had extravagant words of praise for the SCO—a regional institution bringing together Russia, China, Kazakhstan,... MORE

Future of the SCO Under Question After Tashkent Summit

The fifteenth meeting of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) took place on June 23–24, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Participation in these annual meetings has been growing over the past several years and was even bigger this time as negotiations for admitting... MORE

Putin Bluffs on Challenging NATO

President Vladimir Putin has reacted cautiously and avoided outright triumphalism over the Brexit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, while much of his recent comments on the forthcoming presidential election in the United States also reflect an attitude of circumspection. Whereas, the visit... MORE

Ukraine Fears Political Consequences of Brexit Vote

While the global media is busy discussing mainly the economic consequences of the Brexit vote, Ukraine is wary of the political ones. On the one hand, the significance of the United Kingdom as an export market for Ukraine is quite small. And the ensuing turbulence... MORE

Russia’s ‘Pivot’ to China Is Reduced to High-Level Bonhomie

Expectations regarding President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Beijing on Saturday (June 25) had been rather subdued, and the modest results were mostly immaterial. Last year, the two leaders grandiosely celebrated their countries’ World War II victory over the Axis powers; and in 2014, they announced... MORE