Latest Articles about Military/Security

Russia Will Not Have a New Aircraft Carrier for at Least 15 Years—and Maybe Never
The saga of Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, has lurched from one embarrassing episode to another. The vessel (technically classified as a “heavy aircraft cruiser” to be able to adhere to Montreux Convention restrictions on aircraft carriers passing through the Turkish Straits) is... MORE

China Moves Toward Becoming Dominant Player on Northern Sea Route
Three developments since early June 2019 call attention to China’s unrelenting efforts to become the dominant player on the Northern Sea Route (NSR)—the increasingly ice-free Arctic waterway along Russia’s northern coast, and the main segment of the longer Northeastern Passage, linking Asia and Europe. First,... MORE

‘Icebreaker Diplomacy’: Russia’s New-Old Strategy to Dominate the Arctic
Russia’s Baltic Shipyard (St. Petersburg) held a grand ceremony, on May 25, to celebrate the launching of the nuclear-powered Project 22220 (LK-60Ya) icebreaker Ural (, May 27, 2019). Following the festivities, Russian Central Bank head Elvira Nabiullina stated that the event would be further commemorated... MORE

Russian Military Introduces New Automated Command-and-Control Systems
Since initiating the reform and modernization of Russia’s Armed Forces in late 2008, the defense leadership in Moscow has paid close attention to improving command and control (C2), both by simplifying its structural organization and through exploiting modern technologies. A key component in this process... MORE

Tajik Military Increasingly Part of Russian Army in All But Name
Tajikistan’s military, according to Moscow-based defense analyst Vladimir Mukhin, “today represents a small outpost of the Russian Army. It is completely equipped with Russian arms, has the same organizational structure,” its soldiers and officers are being trained by Russians and in Russian military schools, and... MORE

Russia’s Military Scientists and Future Warfare
Since the reform and modernization of Russia’s Armed Forces was initiated in late 2008, the General Staff leadership has been persistent in its appeals to the military scientific community to meet the challenges stemming from these complex processes. An essential ingredient in this public discussion... MORE

Russia’s Military Diplomacy in Africa: What Does It Mean?
Despite modern Russia’s constrained resources, its foreign policy has long operated on a global scale. And one key area of this worldwide remit is increasingly Africa, where arms sales and security cooperation are again driving the diplomatic outreach. Thus, the past several weeks saw several... MORE

Turkey Fumes as Greece Offers Use of Eastern Aegean Islands to NATO, US
Relations between Turkey and Greece are the most fractious of any pair of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) 29 member countries. Disputes range from contested offshore hydrocarbon exploration to Athens granting political refugee status to two of eight Turkish officers who fled to Greece... MORE

Russian-Chinese Military Alliance in the Arctic: An (Im)Possible Prospect?
Speaking at the 11th Arctic Council Ministerial meeting in Rovaniemi, Finland, on May 7, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo warned that the pattern of aggressive Chinese behavior in other regions may give important indications to how China will act in the Arctic (, May... MORE

Kerch Strait Incident: Ukraine Wins Court Ruling Against Russia
On May 25, the Hamburg-based International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) ordered Russia to release and repatriate to Ukraine all 24 sailors and three naval vessels, seized through military force off Crimea’s coast exactly six months earlier (see EDM, November 26, 2018),... MORE