Latest Articles about Military/Security

Putin’s Ceasefire Plan Sets Traps for Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has Ukraine cornered on the battlefield and in diplomatic negotiations at this moment (see accompanying article). On September 3, Putin proposed a seven-point ceasefire plan to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, under the duress of Russian and proxy military advances in Ukraine’s... MORE

Russian Offensive Compels Ukraine to Accept Ceasefire Offer

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and the Donetsk and Luhansk “people’s republics” have issued parallel announcements today (September 4) about their mutual willingness to sign a ceasefire agreement tomorrow (September 5), subject to certain conditions that seem to be at hand. Russian President Vladimir Putin seems... MORE

The East China Sea ADIZ: Old Policy, New Packaging

China’s November 23, 2013 announcement of an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) covering much of the East China Sea sparked both controversy and questions about China’s underlying motivations (Xinhua, November 23, 2013). Beijing’s decision to create the ADIZ unilaterally, without prior notice and intentionally encompassing... MORE

Assaulting Ukraine, Putin Dares the West to Respond

The summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that opens in the Welsh Celtic Manor resort tomorrow (September 4) will feature the Ukraine crisis as an agenda item of top priority and extreme urgency. Only a week ago, this crisis appeared manageable as Russian... MORE

Putin’s War for Novorossiya

After recent successes by Russia-backed rebel forces in southeastern Ukraine, increased reports of Russian regular troops involved in the conflict, and belligerent statements by the Russian leadership, speculation mounts in Moscow as to the nature of the Kremlin’s “war aims.” Some clues as to Moscow’s... MORE

Lavdrim Muhaxheri: Kosovo’s Link to the Islamic State

On July 29, a series of photos posted to Lavdrim Muhaxheri’s Facebook account showed the 25-year-old Kosovar-Albanian jihadi combatant beheading a young Iraqi teenager (Gazeta Tema [Tirana], July 29). The photos sparked outrage among government officials and the public in Kosovo, reflecting the strong security... MORE