Latest Articles about Military/Security

The Terrorist Next Door: Pakistan’s Hammad Adil

Early on August 30, 2013, a large contingent of the Anti-Terrorist Squad of Islamabad’s Capital Territory Police along with officials from intelligence agencies, the Special Branch and Criminal Investigations Departments, raided the house of Muhammad Adil, a property dealer, in a suburb of Islamabad. The... MORE

Putting Precision in Operations: Beidou Satellite Navigation System

China recently announced the development of a fourth-generation Beidou satellite positioning chip providing an accuracy of 2.5 meters, for use initially with the military and police (Want China Times, August 18). The announcement highlights China’s largely successful effort to develop a secure, indigenous system to replace... MORE

Army Day Coverage Stresses Continuity of Reform

On August 1, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) celebrated Army Day, the anniversary of its founding during the Nanchang Uprising in 1927. Commentaries in official media often use the holiday to propagate important military policy themes. While last year’s editorials focused on establishing the... MORE

Luhansk: The Other ‘People’s Republic’ in Eastern Ukraine

The secessionist “Luhansk People’s Republic’s” (LPR) leadership is experiencing even greater turmoil, compared with that of the adjacent “Donetsk People’s Republic” (DPR) in Ukraine’s east. On August 14 the “head (glava) of the republic,” Valery Bolotov, returned to Luhansk after a Moscow visit and announced... MORE

Violence in Dagestan Shows No Sign of Diminishing

With the approach of the 15th anniversary of the Islamic militants’ incursion into Dagestan in 1999, it appears that the militants have only grown stronger since then, and their activities have become a daily routine in the republic. August in Dagestan began with a bombing... MORE