Latest Articles about Military/Security

Beijing-Moscow Axis Drives Preparations for Peace Mission 2012

Preparations are well advanced for the high profile Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) military exercise, Peace Mission 2012. As the NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan by 2014 influences the planning of such exercises, Beijing and Moscow are seeking to use the SCO security apparatus and joint force... MORE

An In-Depth Portrait of Servando “La Tuta” Gómez Martínez: Co-Leader and Propagandist of Mexico’s Knights Templar Cartel

Servando “La Tuta” Gómez Martínez  Servando Gómez Martínez (a.k.a. El Profe, La Tuta­—the teacher), was born in Arteaga, Michoacán, Mexico on February 6, 1966 (El Universal, August 7, 2009). He is co-leader of Los Caballeros Templarios (the Knights Templar), a Transnational Criminal Organization (TCO) based in the Michoacán... MORE

Assessing the Growing PLA Air Force Foreign Relations Program

The People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s (PLAAF) foreign relations program is an increasingly important component of the PLA’s overall foreign relations program. As part of China’s overall program, it gradually has expanded from merely exchanging delegations to conducting combined exercises with individual countries and the... MORE

Critical Time for Azerbaijan-Iranian Relations

For the last two months, Azerbaijani-Iranian relations were put under serious stress. Relations between the two countries lacked cordiality for many years; yet, both countries refrained from harsh criticisms and hostile actions against each other. However, several recent events exacerbated the uneasy relations between the... MORE