Latest Articles about Military/Security

Defense and Deterrence in China’s Military Space Strategy

China’s theory of space deterrence may be a work in progress, but Beijing is already developing an impressive array of counter-space systems. Indeed, the capabilities that China is working on go beyond the direct ascent anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon, successfully tested in January 2007. The test... MORE

A Chinese Assessment of China’s External Security Environment

An assessment based on a Chinese government white paper and recent report published by a leading think tank on China’s external security environment suggest that Beijing perceives that it is facing unprecedented external challenges.  On January 11, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereafter MFA) revealed—exclusively... MORE

The North Caucasus Slips Further into Chaos

The North Caucasus is increasingly reminiscent of the zone of military conflict where the situation is gradually approaching a critical point. News stories coming from the region – even those covered by official Russian media, the task of which is by no means to depict... MORE

The Unseen Hand: Saudi Arabian Involvement in Yemen

Executive Summary:The future of Yemen is inextricably linked to the stability and security of Saudi Arabia.  With key figures in Yemen defecting to the opposition – including the ambassador to Saudi Arabia – and violence between the Saleh regime and anti-government forces escalating, Saudi Arabia... MORE

Otunbayeva Open to Military Cooperation with the US and Russia

Shortly after her recent visit to Washington, Kyrgyzstan’s President Roza Otunbayeva announced that two military training centers funded by the US and Russia will soon be opened in Kyrgyzstan (, March 15).According to the Kyrgyz president, the US center might be located in Batken oblast,... MORE

The Bear, the Abacus and Impossible Defense Computations

The expanded session of the Russian defense ministry collegium on March 18, given the crisis in reforming the armed forces, promised to be a crucial test for Defense Minister, Anatoliy Serdyukov, and there were numerous signals that a vintage performance might be on offer. Earlier... MORE