Latest Articles about Military/Security

Bombings and Shootings Reported Across North Caucasus

A month and a half after the President Dmitry Medvedev ordered an official end to the decade-long counter-terrorism operation in Chechnya, bombings and shootings have been reported there and in neighboring Dagestan, Ingushetia, North Ossetia over the past several days.A man was hospitalized with shrapnel... MORE

Karimov Accuses Kyrgyzstan of Harboring Terrorists

Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov has blamed neighboring Kyrgyzstan for harboring the criminals that carried out shootings in Kharshi-Khanabad on May 26. The Kyrgyz government denied the allegations and increased security at checkpoints on its border with Uzbekistan. The recent disagreement reflects growing tensions between the... MORE

Jihadis Discuss Plans to Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal

Urged by a senior al-Qaeda ideologue to take over Pakistan, members of jihadi internet forums have begun to examine the possibility of controlling Pakistan’s nuclear weapons (, April 24). At the same time, jihadis continue to collect information on nuclear facilities around the globe, especially... MORE

Turkey’s Military Procurement Dilemma with Israel

The latest hurdle to emerge between Israel and Turkey over the persistent technical problems in developing the former's Heron Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's), has highlighted not only the weakness of the Turkish defense industry infrastructure, but also Israel's customary failure to fulfil its commitments. "It... MORE

Russia’s National Security Strategy

The Russian National Security Strategy until 2020, approved by President Dmitry Medvedev on May 12, has been portrayed as innovative while clarifying the nature of the strategic environment facing the country. Much attention was devoted to the potential risk of future energy wars, in regions... MORE