Latest Articles about Military/Security

Can the SAF Defeat the RSF in Sudan?

Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are nimble, capable, and self-financing. These three factors combined with the fact that corruption and cronyism have hollowed out their primary rival, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), mean that the SAF and its allies are unlikely to defeat the RSF.... MORE

Ukraine Takes the War Deep Into Russia

Sun Tzu, the great Chinese military philosopher, was rarely studied in Soviet military academies, but the Ukrainian high command—seeking to “win first and start fighting after”—appears to be taking a page out of his treatise, The Art of War. Naturally, the intentions for a spring... MORE

Bringing Russia Back From the Cold at Ukraine’s Expense (Part Two)

*Read Part One here. Another proposal for an armistice-in-place cutting across Ukraine’s territory has been aired for discussion, this time, from the Council on Foreign Relations (Foreign Affairs, April 13). Politically, these proposals imply rehabilitating Russia as a partner in negotiations with the West (Moscow’s... MORE