Latest Press Releases
Admiral Timothy J. Keating (USN, Ret.) Joins Jamestown Board
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Caitlin Buckleypubs@jamestown.org202.483.8888 WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Jamestown Foundation is proud to announce the addition of Admiral Timothy J. Keating (USN, Ret.) to the Jamestown board. Admiral Timothy J. Keating is a highly decorated, retired Admiral of the U.S. Navy and the former Commander of... MORE

Jamestown Welcomes New Board Member, Matthew Bryza
Matthew Bryza Joins Jamestown Board FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Matthew Czekaj pubs@jamestown.org202.483.8888 The Jamestown Foundation is proud to announce the addition of Ambassador Matthew Bryza to the Jamestown board. Bryza played a key role in shaping U.S. policies in the South Caucasus region for almost two... MORE
Jamestown Welcomes New Board Members, General Michael V. Hayden, and Bruce Riedel
General Michael V. Hayden and Bruce Riedel Join The Jamestown Foundation Board
The Jamestown Foundation and Ilia State University Announce Second International Conference in Tbilisi.
“Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The North Caucasus Between Past and Future”
Article in China Brief Prompts Defense Review by Taiwan
Article in China Brief Prompts Defense Review by Taiwan
The Jamestown Foundation and Ilia State University Announce International Conference
"Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The Circassians & the Peoples of the North Caucasus Between Past & Future"
Jamestown Welcomes New Board Members
General Carlton Fulford (Ret.), Bruce Hoffman, and Kathleen Troia McFarland Join Jamestown Foundation Board

Jamestown Releases a New Occasional Paper
“Russia’s Race for the Arctic and the New Geopolitics of the North Pole.”

Jamestown Releases a New Occasional Paper
"An Outline of Kurdish Islamist Groups in Iraq."

Jamestown Releases a New Occasional Paper
"Putin's Political Party & the Rise of Sergei Naryshkin"