Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Russian Nationalists and Pro-Democracy Activists Blame the North Caucasus on National Unity Day
On November 4, the so-called Russian Marches took place in cities across Russia. The biggest rally took place in Moscow, where an estimated 14,000 people participated. For the first time at the annual rally, Russian nationalists appeared alongside popular Russian democrats. The well-known Russian pro-democracy... MORE

Russia Ponders the Eurozone Calamity
President Dmitry Medvedev started his final round of top level meetings with the trip to Cannes where the leaders of the twenty largest world economic powers gathered to discuss measures to rescue the global financial system from the Greek crisis. The scale of the unfolding... MORE

Why Yulia Tymoshenko Will Remain Imprisoned
Western policymakers and Ukrainian experts are perplexed as to why President Viktor Yanukovych agreed to the court quickly sentencing Yulia Tymoshenko on October 11 to a seven year sentence, a three year ban from political life and a fine of 1.5 billion hryvnia ($190 million).... MORE

Policemen Attacked In Dagestan, Ingushetia and Karachaevo-Cherkessia
Dagestan’s Interior Ministry reported today (November 4) that two residents of Dagestan’s Tlyaratinsky district had been arrested for illegal possession of weapons. Hundreds of rounds of ammunition and explosives were seized from a 49-year-old resident of the village of Tlyarat, while ammunition and a sniper’s... MORE

Russia and Kazakhstan Prioritize Multilateral Cooperation
In an apparent departure from earlier promises to develop their bilateral energy partnership, Russian and Kazakh leaders plan to re-focus on multilateral cooperation within the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space (CES).On October 22, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his Kazakh counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev... MORE

After Winning Elections Atambayev Focuses On the US Transit Center
Kyrgyzstan’s new president-elect Almazbek Atambayev has once again hinted that he wants the US Transit Center at Manas out of Kyrgyzstan by the time coalition forces leave Afghanistan. “In 2014 the United States will have to withdraw its military base from the ‘Manas’ international airport,”... MORE

Murder of Sufi Sheikh Could Ignite Intra-Islamic Conflict In Dagestan
The recent murder of the Tabasaran sheikh of the Naqshbandi order, Sirajuddin Israfilov, has been extensively discussed in the North Caucasian media. Israfilov came from the village Khurik and so was better known as Sirajuddin Khuriksky. The Tabasarans are one of the highlander peoples of... MORE

Military Reform In Russia Bypasses Military Intelligence
This week Russia’s military intelligence service (Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye –GRU) celebrated its official annual holiday – Military Spy Day (Dyen Voyennogo Razvedchyka). This professional holiday was established in October 2000 by President Vladimir Putin, himself a KGB spy during the Cold War in East Germany.... MORE

BP’s South-East European Pipeline: More Questions Than Answers On Nabucco and Turkmen Gas
The Izmir agreements on the transit of Azerbaijani gas to Europe through Turkish pipelines (see EDM, November 1) and the BP-proposed South-East European Pipeline for gas (see EDM, November 2) raise some major, as yet unanswered questions. At first sight, they seriously complicate the outlook... MORE

Arson Attack Targets Prominent Tajik Cleric’s Cotton Plant
Arson is believed to be the cause of a fire on October 24 that damaged a cotton-processing plant belonging to Hoji Akbar Turajonzoda, a prominent Tajik religious and political figure, in the town of Vahdat, some 30 kilometers east of the Tajik capital Dushanbe. The... MORE