Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Who Is Instilling Fear in Kyrgyzstan?
As the first anniversary of the April 7 “revolution” approaches, Bishkek is plagued by numerous small riots organized to challenge the parliament and government’s decisions. The riots may also be instigated by competing political forces ahead of the presidential elections later this year. The elections... MORE

The Specter of Shahids Continues to Haunt Russia
The Russian security services is now asserting that the massive terrorist attack at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport on January 24, in which 37 people were killed and 120 more injured, will not be the last action carried out by a shahid (martyr) – meaning a suicide... MORE

Russia and Kazakhstan Boost Bilateral Trade and Energy
The leadership of both Russia and Kazakhstan has announced plans to further develop their energy partnership. However, the two former Soviet allies remain slow to finalize some of their energy projects. Meanwhile, bilateral trade and Russia’s trade surplus has increased.During a meeting in Moscow on... MORE

Kazakhstan’s “Virtual” Presidential Election Campaign
It has all the accouterments of a real contested election. Four candidates are vying for Kazakhstan’s highest office in the land. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has dispatched its election monitors, thereby automatically giving the upcoming April 3 presidential vote a... MORE

Harsh Measures only Strengthen the Insurgency in Dagestan
On March 23, the village of Gubden in Dagestan was completely blockaded by Russian military, police and Federal Security Service (FSB) agents. After that, the servicemen began to search the homes of local residents. Sources in Gubden told the author of this piece that armed... MORE

Moscow Signals Interest In Berlin Initiative On Transnistria
On March 29 in Moscow, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held talks with his Moldovan counterpart, Iurie Leanca, on resuming and advancing a resolution of the Transnistria conflict (Moldpres, March 30; Nezavisimaya Gazeta, March 31). European Union and Moldovan officials note some positive Russian signals in... MORE

No Good Men, Weapons or Understanding of Modern Warfare in Russia
On March 18, speaking in the presence of President Dmitry Medvedev at the expanded session of the Russian defense ministry collegium, Defense Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov was upbeat about military reform going forward as planned and achieving its goals. Serdyukov boasted “the first most difficult stage”... MORE

Turkey Balances Its Ties With West and Islamic World in Libya Operation
Turkey’s position on the unfolding events in Libya has caused a great deal of confusion for observers of Turkish foreign policy. Despite its objections to the use of military force to solve the impending civil war, Turkey has eventually changed course, by agreeing to the... MORE

Ukraine Sends Mixed Signals on Free Trade With The EU, Russia
Ukraine finds it increasingly difficult to balance its relations between the European Union and Russia, which are viewed in Kyiv as equally important trading partners. While talks on political association and free trade with the EU slowed somewhat recently, Moscow is stepping up its pressure... MORE

Georgia Opposition Groups And The Arab Unrest
Turmoil in the Arab world has elicited contrasting responses from the two sides of Georgia’s political opposition. Extra-parliamentary radical groups (themselves of varied colors) seem inspired to start yet another regime-change campaign. The parliamentary opposition, on the other hand, rejects the use of “revolutionary” methods... MORE