Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Another Chance for the Odessa-Brody Pipeline

Using the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline as originally intended, south-north, is under active consideration again; this time, by the governments of Ukraine and Belarus. The pipeline is being used since 2004 in reverse, north-south, by Russian oil companies, for exports out of Odessa. Such reverse-use blocks... MORE

Split in Rebel Ranks: Does it Help the Rebels, or the Russian Siloviki?

Insurgency-related violence continued across the North Caucasus this past week, most notably in an attack on the Chechen parliament, as observers continued to discuss the apparent split within the ranks of the North Caucasian rebels.A policeman and his brother were wounded late yesterday (October 21)... MORE

Meseberg Process: Germany Testing EU-Russia Security Cooperation Potential

The Franco-German-Russian summit in Deauville and its timing (Medvedev Deflects Merkel-Sarkozy Proposal on Transnistria at Deauville Summit, EDM October 22) reflects the fragmentation of Euro-Atlantic and EU policy-making vis-à-vis Russia. This process was ongoing for some time and accelerated recently. The financial-economic crisis has stimulated... MORE

Turkey Maintains Reservations About US Missile Defense

Turkey’s position on US efforts to create a ballistic missile defense (BMD) system in Europe has emerged as another source of tension in US-Turkish relations. The Bush administration originally contemplated the installment of a missile shield in Eastern Europe, yet failed to achieve its stated... MORE

Russian Influence Intensifies in Kyrgyzstan After Elections

The leaders of four political parties –Ar-Namys, Ata-Jurt, Respublika, and Social-democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan (SPDK) – traveled to Moscow days after the October 10 parliamentary elections (, October 15). Reportedly, they met with Russian officials to discuss the possibility of forming a coalition. All four... MORE