Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Brief: ISCAP Conducts School Massacre in Uganda

On June 16, suspected Islamic State in Central Africa Province (ISCAP) fighters conducted a massacre at a boarding school in Uganda that was located just across the border from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (, June 19). The group killed more than 40 of... MORE

Can the SAF Defeat the RSF in Sudan?

Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are nimble, capable, and self-financing. These three factors combined with the fact that corruption and cronyism have hollowed out their primary rival, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), mean that the SAF and its allies are unlikely to defeat the RSF.... MORE

Brief: JNIM Pursuing Localized Agenda in Mali

In recent months, the northwestern Syria-based militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which operates under the leadership of Abu Muhammed al-Julani, has reasserted that its operational and geographical agenda is limited to only a local scope. The group, furthermore, has lived up to these claims... MORE

Brief: Abu Sayyaf Surrenders Indicate Growing Dysfunction

On May 23, eight former Abu Sayyaf members surrendered to the Philippine government by handing over their guns and pledging loyalty to the state (, May 26). This continues the broader depletion of the group’s ranks due to defections, which have put the group on... MORE