Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles


JNIM Conducts First Claimed Attack in Mali’s Sikasso Region Jacob Zenn Mali’s Sikasso Region borders Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire, but has been devoid of the violence that has afflicted the rest of the country. Neither Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM) nor Islamic State... MORE

Will the South African Military Intervene in Mozambique?

Ansar al-Sunnah wa-Jamma (ASwJ) is the latest Islamist insurgency to emerge in southern Africa with links to Islamic State (IS), which has named the group Islamic State in Central African Province (ISCAP). ASwJ’s emergence in October 2017 with the two-day occupation of Mocimboa da Praia... MORE

The Ninja Missile: A Breakthrough in U.S. Counter-Terrorism Weaponry?

A February 2017 airstrike in Idlib, Syria targeted and killed Abu al-Khayr al-Masri, a deputy to al-Qaeda leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Al-Masri was one of the first foreign terrorists to have been killed using the U.S. military’s newest counter-terrorism weapon: the AGM-114R9X (R9X) Hellfire missile, often... MORE


Media Mystery Surrounds Islamic State Conquests in Mozambique Jacob Zenn On March 25, the Islamic State in Central African Province (ISCAP)’s Mozambique branch raided the town of Palma in northeastern Mozambique and was reported to have slaughtered civilians and killed several dozen soldiers. The attack... MORE

The Arakan Dream: The Search for Peace in Myanmar’s Rakhine State

On March 23, the Arakan Army (AA)—an ethnic armed organization (EAO) based largely in Myanmar’s Rakhine State—finally released a statement condemning the military’s seizure of power in the February 1 coup. AA spokesperson, Khine Thu Kha, said that the AA was “together...with the people” and... MORE


Colombia Faces Mixed Futures in Negotiations with FARC and ELN  Jacob Zenn In 2016, Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) concluded a peace deal that has led to a reduction of violence in the last five years. However, one FARC faction consisting... MORE