Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Tenth Annual Terrorism Conference 

Wednesday, December 14th The National Press Club Grand Ballroom 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor Washington, DC 20045 Tickets on Sale Now! Click here to purchase tickets.  About the Event: The Jamestown Foundation is proud to announce that it will hold its Tenth Annual Terrorism... MORE

Our Kind of Warlord: Afghanistan’s Deal With Gulbuddin Hekmatyar

Hizb-e Islami Afghanistan (HIA), one of Afghanistan’s oldest jihadist factions and largest Islamic parties, concluded a comprehensive peace deal with the Afghan government on September 29. Speaker after speaker in the Afghan capital’s grand Arg presidential palace declared the deal “historic,” a milestone for restoring... MORE

AQAP in Southern Yemen: Learning, Adapting and Growing

During the nearly two years of the Yemeni civil war, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has gone from an organization that was under pressure and struggling financially, to an organization that is larger, more formidable and better armed than it has ever been. The... MORE


JORDAN: SATIRIST’S KILLING HIGHLIGHTS RADICALIZATION FEARS Protesters in Jordan demanded the resignation of both Prime Minister Hani al-Malki and Interior Minister Salama Hammad in September, following the murder of Nahed Hattar, a satirical writer who was shot dead on the steps of a court building... MORE


KENYA: SEEKING PARTNERS FOR A NEW TERROR STRATEGY Jordan’s King Abdullah has promised greater counter terrorism support to Kenya during a meeting with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta in Nairobi. The visit has received a good deal of publicity in Kenya, where the two leaders were... MORE

Boko Haram in Senegal: Expanding West Africa Province

During the past six years, Boko Haram has been principally operational in Nigeria and, to a lesser extent, in neighboring Niger, Chad and Cameroon. Now, beyond Nigeria and its border regions, Senegal has unexpectedly become a country where the group is attempting to expand its... MORE

Kenya Unveils New Strategy for Tackling Terror

Kenya has launched a new strategy aimed at preventing violent extremism, unveiling it against a background of increased threats from Somalia’s al-Qaeda affiliated al-Shabaab, home-grown militants and, more recently, suspected Islamic State (IS) sympathizers (The Star, September 16). President Uhuru Kenyatta launched the strategy on... MORE

Nigeria Expands Its ‘War on Terrorism’ to the Niger Delta

Though Nigeria’s southern Delta region has abundant oil reserves that should provide amply for the future of both the region and the nation, the Delta has become consumed by environmental degradation, unrestrained oil theft, destruction of infrastructure and a new wave of anti-government militancy complicated... MORE

Pakistan’s Jamaat-ul-Ahrar: A Violent Domestic Threat

Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA), once a disgruntled breakaway faction of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), has been behind a series of deadly attacks across Pakistan since March 2016, apparently contradicting the Pakistani Army’s claim to have eliminated terrorism from North Waziristan and the Khyber Agency through years of its... MORE