Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Pakistan’s LeJ Baluchistan Operations Ready for Resurgence

Sectarian violence in Pakistan’s troubled Baluchistan province dropped dramatically with the death of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi’s (LeJ) leader Usman Saifullah Kurd in 2015. Attacks, however, have continued under the group’s new leader, Dawood Badini, and LeJ appears as intent as ever on targeting members of the Hazara-Shia... MORE


NICE ATTACK SPOTLIGHTS FRENCH JIHADIST RECRUITER The Bastille Day terror attack in the French city of Nice, which saw 84 people killed when a Tunisian truck driver ploughed through crowds on the Promenade des Anglais, has refocused attention on the Senegal-born French jihadist recruiter Omar... MORE


TURKEY: ISLAMIC STATE SHIFTS TACTICS WITH ISTANBUL ATTACK A suicide attack on Turkey’s Atatürk International Airport in Istanbul on June 28 left at least 41 people dead and more than 230 injured. The attack appears to have been carried out by three suicide bombers who... MORE